Success Of A Company Is A Result Of Its Employees' Performance

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Success of a Company is a Result of its Employees' Performance



No words can express my appreciation and gratitude to my research advisor _______ through the course of this research, Professor _____has taught me numerous values that extend well beyond the realm of _________ (Your Subject Name). His emphasis on dedication to work and his valuable and practical insights of life are some of the major highlights of my education at The University _________. To Professor _____, I say with great respect, thank you very much.

It is a great honour for me to have Professor _______ on my dissertation committee. His insightful suggestions and comments are a major asset to this research. I learned so much from Professor ______, and I will always remember him as a truly superb teacher. To Professor _____, I am greatly indebted.

I would like to thank Professor ______ for his contribution to this research. Professor _____ has provided me with essential input and guidance as an outside member of my committee. His remarks and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I would like to thank _____________ for the support they had provided me throughout the research project.

I would like to thank _____________ for their support and help in this research.


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for the academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


In this study, the researcher aims to determine success of a company is a result of its employees' performance. Other than the role of employees, it is mandatory for organizations to know how job satisfaction is created along with the sources that lead to job satisfaction. There are certain environments that induce satisfaction in employees. Training is a very important concept of employee satisfaction. This ensures that the competency level of the employees is enhanced on a continual basis. This improvement takes place in terms of boost in knowledge skills and abilities. Training on competency level also tells the employees that they are competent and highly employable. This also leads to higher level of satisfaction. Organization should incorporate flexible working shifts which can aid in increasing the output level of the organization, Open appreciation of employees upon accomplishment, providing opportunities to explore and experiment with creativity and flexibility. For this particular study, the researcher used quantitative research approach. Quantitative research is the method of choice for a researcher who seeks to clarify phenomena through data collection and statistical analysis. Quantitative research methodology relates to scientific investigation of quantifiable properties and their relationships. The employee development process is very necessary and it should be implemented very effectively. Performance of the employees should be evaluated frequently in order to maintain the productivity. Motivation is the best way to keep the employee retained in an organization.






Background of the Study1

Problem Statement2

Purpose of the Study3

Aims ...
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