Substance Abuse

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse


The problems of substance abuse are medical disorders. Substance abuse is defined as an excessive use of substances or significant enough to affect a person's relationship with his family and friends, his ability to work study or fulfill family obligations or to cause legal problems or dangerous behavior (Morris & Maisto, pg. 142). It also involves the use or taking of substances in quantities of increasingly large, the fact of giving the greatest difficulty in obtaining the substance, onset of withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the substance or the inability to stop or reduce the taking of the substance.


Aggression is defined as the manifestation of the tendency to harm others, whether in a real, imaginary or symbolic. We must distinguish two aspects that are instinctual expression and mobilization for an intention.

Biological concept: for biologists, and especially Konrad Lorenz, aggression is a natural instinct linked to all the other vital needs, whether for feeding, fleeing a danger or sexual behavior. But there is no real aggression between individuals of different species: the lion is not aggressive towards the gazelle. Aggressiveness by-cons are between individuals of a species form of behavior threat, submission, competition, aggression. It is an innate biological factor. Thus animals are more aggressive intra-and extra-species case (e.g. the vulture kills its prey without being aggressive, but the fighting males of the same species are aggressive). Aggression is a survival mode to establish or create, by the relation Victor / Vanquished, a difference between the antagonists, which overcomes the confusion. Henri Laborite studied the relationship between man and environment. He was especially interested in the inhibition of aggressive behavior, whose manifestations can be of psychosomatic, it is renal colic or ulcers.

Psychological Meaning: the psychoanalysis and psychology confirm the biological origin of aggression. The disagreement lies in the meaning of the word will be reserved to any act of a hostile, destructive, or any tendency to force outward-looking, such as assertiveness, possession, or use to meet their needs vital. The second meaning, psychological, is more general.

Psychogenesis aggression: during its development, the child usually passes through different moments of anguish that must be overcome. And meet with you it: the trauma of birth; then at the oral stage of devouring anxiety, and anxiety of the eighth month; the mirror stage anxiety grind; the anal stage anxiety of destruction; to the oedipal castration anxiety; and the adult death anxiety.

The origin of the aggression is instinctual. It is the result of the projection of the death drive on the wrong object. It is bound by the physical attraction for the preservation of the ego (sexuality, reproduction, territorial defense, control over the world, assertiveness).

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