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Study Skills



The term Decision making imported by the executive of the telephone company Chester Barnard from the public to the world of business. It replace the terms with the resource allocation and policy making which change the thinking of the executive. Moreover, it changes their role from continuous deliberation and the type Hamlet to the series of conclusions and actions.

Decision making at the individual level characterized by the fact that a person makes use of their reasoning and thinking to choose a solution to a problem. If a person has a problem, it should be individually capable of making decisions solve that reason. To make a decision, whatever the nature is, it is necessary to know, understand and analyze the problem, in order to solve it. The diagram below explains what factors needed for effective decision making.

In some cases, it can be very simple to solve the problem, but there are other cases in which the consequences of a bad or good choice may have an impact on the lives and work in the success or failure of the organization. For this purpose, it required more structured process that can provide more security and information to solve the problem. Decisions can be classified taking into account different aspects, such as how often they occur. They classified as to the realities facing these decisions regardless of the situation to decide and how to decide.

Theorists have illustrated that people who act or decide rationally are trying to achieve some goal that cannot be achieved without action. They need to understand the alternative courses through which a goal can be achieved according to the circumstances and constraints. You also need information and the ability to analyze and evaluate the alternatives according to the desired goal. Finally, they need the desire to reach the best solution by selecting the alternative that satisfies a more effective way to achieve the goal (


Education is the only path for students through which they can develop themselves and can contribute their skills and knowledge for the country and nation development. In order to achieve this, student work hard and put their maximum afford to achieve best grades among other students. However, some students leave their country for their education making their academic part more strong. But, a virus called Plagiarism which generates a big barrier in their way of gaining education due to their different educational system. The biggest disadvantages of plagiarism are that students lose their thinking ability and generating ideas capabilities. The international students struggle with plagiarism due to different reasons.

Academic integrity is of high importance and the core value of any academia. To maintain this value plagiarism strictly asked to avoid. In many universities and educational institutions, any person convicted of plagiarism is liable to undergo constitutional processes and outlawed from the institution. The definition of plagiarism is copying someone else's work and presenting it as one's own. In order words, Plagiarism is a theft, copying someone else's ...
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