Stringent Immigration Laws

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Stringent Immigration Laws

The article is based on the immigration laws imposed in the United Stated after the country went through what was described by many economic analysts as the worst economic crisis in its history. It is no secret that the devastating effects of the economic recession have forced many companies into bankruptcy and caused widespread unemployment. The article discusses the hardships faced by immigrants after the introduction of stringent immigration policies. It also identifies some of the leading repercussions that will be faced by the immigrants as a result of these laws.

The article also describes how stringent and unforgiving immigration laws have made life difficult for those people who reside in the United States but lack the proper documentation to prove it. For instance, one controversial aspect of the immigration law has forced educational institutes across the nation to collect critical information regarding their students in order to determine their immigration status. Many advocates of civil and human rights have deemed this a gross violation of the civil rights of immigrants (Patrick, 2009, p. 26). Right in line with this violation are numerous other similar abuses that the immigrants have been subjected to in the wake of the economic recession. This approach contradicts America's claims of ensuring equal opportunities for all its citizens. The article comprehensively reports the woes of the illegal immigrants after the introduction of these severe laws and highlights the key repercussions that have been realized in their wake.

Another major concern highlighted in the article is the costly economic regulations that have played a major role in impeding job growth. Numerous complaints have been voiced regarding the immigration laws, mainly by employers and employees. This is mainly because the new regulations that have been imposed on businesses are costly to execute. The immigration law makes it mandatory ...
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