My current employer falls under the category of basketball team because it is an innovative technological firm (Greer, 2000). It is responsible for developing and selling computer software to different organizations or individual clients. Recruitment in this organization goes on for most of the most in a year due to the rapid turnover. The staffing strategy of this organization is discussed in this paper.
Recruitment is directing a wide offer of employment in the broad market operation of this firm. The procedures are standard and not very complicated; the company depends largely on the fact that the message has reached the maximum number of potential candidates for employees. This form of recruitment is indicated when looking for candidates for the Serial job, for example, the position of direct production. With a wide selection, it places advertisements in the press.
The firm practices segment recruitment which targets a particular segment of the labor market, i.e. a group of potential candidates, with specific traits, skills, and qualifications. The organization is looking for is not an ordinary employee, but specialists in the field of information technology. The company manages to offer potential candidates already belong to that segment. Therefore, the company finds them through the so-formulated products to this particular group took it as an attractive.
The HRM has implemented the internal recruitment in the organization. With regard to the advantages of internal recruitment are mentioned first of all, that both parties, i.e., and the company and the candidate have a real knowledge of himself: an assessment work results, opinions, etc. allow it to accurately assess the strengths and weaknesses of candidate (Barber, 1998). Outside the internal recruitment has a significant, positive impact on motivation and employee's morale, giving them a real chance of promotion and stimulating at the same time to better operation. Not without significance is the fact that a better use of employee skills by moving them to a different position increases the efficiency of waste potential skills in the company. Internal recruitment also carries a very high risk of employee inertia behavior, statements such as "I always did and it was good" or "To we did it without the advice "easily become an informal credo-based organizations own employees filling positions, leading quickly to a lack of flexibility in the operation and even fall out of the market (Becker and Gerhart, 1996).
Of course, external recruitment in the firm, at least partially solves these problems by itself is ...