Strategy Business

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Strategy business

Strategy business

Item 1

“For an enterprise-wide plan, all departments…should contribute to the planning process and the final documentation” (Stutley, 2007:17)

Before start discussing and evaluating this claim made by Stutley, it is very important to know what is meant by business plan and the business planning process.

Business Plan

To start a business a business plan is develop that is made by the Entrepreneur or by the management and it specifies what task are to be made and it describes the mission of the organization. And to achieve that mission and vision statement how the organization should perform and make people under them to work on it. There are four tasks involve in business plan:

Identification and assessment of the opportunity

Developing a business plan

Determination of resources required

Management of the combined company

Although these stages follow a sequential flow, none is in isolation. And cannot be completed without taking into account factors present for the next step.

Identification and assessment of the opportunity

We begin by mentioning that your new product or service must meet a need. This phase is to identify how to meet that need and can occur in many different ways. Depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to be alert to the possibilities or may be the result of systematic mechanisms to identify opportunities.

Developing a business plan

A business plan describes how you will go to the new company. This is the stage where most entrepreneurs fail; they have rarely done one before and are not technically prepared for their development. In addition to providing guidance for developing the future business, the business plan is important to determine the resources required. It is essential for the development of the next steps. Determination of resources required

This first stage helps to account for the resources we have at present. Then, help us to categorize resources in order of importance, distinguishing those that are critical to business performance of those who are only useful as well as measuring the risks that arise when resources are insufficient or inadequate. Management of the combined company

Once all required resources are available; the entrepreneur must use them wisely in implementing the business plan. Some entrepreneurs find themselves in trouble when your business starts to grow and have the ability to maintain the control required. It is at this point that the entrepreneurial process becomes a process of decision making.

Business Planning Process

Identification and characterization of business planning

Business planning - an ordered set of steps and actions associated with a situation analysis of the environment, goal setting business planning, business plan development, its promotion to market intellectual property, as well as implementing a business plan, its promotion and monitoring its implementation.

The main elements of the business plan are the title page, introductory part, the analytical section, informative and sections of corporate planning. Key points of business planning are the analysis and evaluation of the following aspects of the business project:

possibility, necessity and volume of production;

potential consumers; ...
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