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Strategic Planning

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Strategic Planning: Collaboration, Cooperation, Coordination

Strategic Planning: Collaboration, Cooperation, Coordination


A strategic plan is not the same thing as an operational plan. The former should be visionary, conceptual and directional in contrast to an operational plan which is likely to be shorter term, tactical, focused, implementable and measurable. As an example, compare the process of planning a vacation (where, when, duration, budget, who goes, how travel are all strategic issues) with the final preparations (tasks, deadlines, funding, weather, packing, transport and so on are all operational matters).

Strategic Management is a tool used by managers to make plans and deal with problems. Strategic management is also about the reading of signs and portraits of the future and interpreting them in order to choose an appropriate direction for the future development of the organisation. However, this world has been changing everyday. How to manage change and get more benefits from change are more important to each organisation. Some organisations are successful when they face change and some of them are not.

The Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center (BPAC) consists of many volunteers, with a board of directors made of many experienced well knowledge people. They rely heavily on donations and caring volunteers. They believe in human rights, so they offer free services and or counseling to help the individual come to a conclusion; like Bentham said the principle of utility is that it requires us to seek “the greatest happiness”( Postema, 2006, pg.116). Though they offer many services, but if more is required that is beyond their capabilities they will refer the person to a low cost facility, etc. Being a non-profit BPAC they do come upon some obstacles, mainly concerning money, recruiting volunteers, keeping the mission going. They accept and do not deny anyone service regardless of color, ethnicity, religion, sex. In fact they have numerous programs for men also. They offer a tour of their entire BPAC to those curious of their mission.

Mission Statement:

The Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center (B.P.A.C.) is a non-profit BPAC founded upon the Word of God, which ministers to women confronted with crisis pregnancies.  Our intent is to aid hurting women through counseling and other support services during their time of crisis, and at the same time, be an advocate for the unborn child.

Promoting Sexual Integrity for Life Vision Statement

To inspire and equip individuals to make positive decisions for life and relationships based on the Word of God. Focus: The Burleson Pregnancy Aid Center is a non-profit, non-sectarian, faith-based BPAC striving to achieve the following goals:

To support women of all ages in crisis pregnancies and promote abstinence and responsible sexual behavior in our youth.

To provide women with free pregnancy tests (performed at the Center), intelligent educational consultation about their options, adoption information and referrals, and other assistance as needed.

To educate the public with respect to the preservation of, and appreciation for, the dignity of human life at all stages of existence and development.

To provide abstinence educational program free of charge to area schools, public and ...
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