Strategic Operations Management

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Strategic Operations Management

Table of Contents


Strategy and objectives of “Santander”3

Link between Operations Strategy and Business Strategy5

Critical appraisal of issues relating to layout, process type and use of technologies7


Process type7

Use of technologies7

Critical appraisal and exploitation of the value chain and quality8


Strategic Operations Management


Santander started its operations as the first ever bank in the Eurozone and has now been established and recognised as having a customer base of more than 1 million. Its key point is their stability in the international banking market having largest network of its branches across the world. It is pre-dominantly a retail bank with the headquarters of Santander being located in the country of Spain, having presence in ten of the dominant markets catering to the customers in the arena. It is ranked among the top 15 financial institutions of the world when compared on the basis of Market Capitalisation, recorded at end of the year 2011 as to be more than 50 billion euros. Banco Santander was founded in the year 1857 and now it has shareholders more than 3 million in numbers (Barney, 2004, p12).

It is now involved in managing billions in funds for its clients; who exceed 100 million in scale currently stand at more than 102 million, through its highly defined network comprising of around 15,000 branches or offices worldwide. With 193,000 employees and shareholder base of around 3.3 million, it is regarded as one of the most prominent financial institutions in Spain and Latin America. It enjoys respectable position in the North-eastern United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Poland and in Portugal. With its shares being listed on the major stock markets and featured on around 62 disparate indices, Santander harbours significant position.

Strategy and objectives of “Santander”

Santander maintaining a high reputation and stability, strengthening the position of the banking sector of the country as a large universal bank that provides a full range of financial products and services to all types of clients, is the main strategic objectives of the Bank in 2012. The Santander will continue to expand its presence in all segments of the banking market, using the key competitive advantages. In the corporate business Santander is guided by rational motivation entities through an integrated product offering targeted customer segments in the priority sectors for the Santander, to strengthen long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships, and individual approach to customers (Barney, 2004, p12).

A key component of the Santander's position in retail business is maximum customer focus and technological services. The Santander 's activities in this area involves the formation of targeted product offering, expanding the product range and improve the quality characteristics of banking products, the approach of the Santander's infrastructure to the users of its services. Credit investments remain as the dominant instrument in shaping the Santander's assets.

Santander credit support will be primarily focused on the development of export-oriented and import-substituting industries and services. The greatest activity will enhance the Bank's lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing and service activities, including the implementation of ...
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