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Case Study Analysis: Harley Davidson

Case Study Analysis: Harley Davidson


In today's world where entrepreneurship and owning your own business is considered to be the latest fashion to acquire wealth and status we see a lot of new businesses launching every month and every year but only few of them are able to maintain their position in the cutthroat competition and rivalry. Maintenance of the success of the business totally depends on the strategies a business owner adopts to operate it. Strategies are the nub that decides the success or failure of an organization. As we all well aware of the fact that, the main purpose of operating or conducting a business is to earn a profit and to run the business in a lucrative way. In order to fulfill this main ambition of the business, managers totally and completely rely on the strategies that they devise. Strategies provide direction to the business. The aim of this paper is also to talk about strategies. In this paper, strategies of a renowned and first class organization with the name of Harley Davidson are discussed in a significant detail.

Case Study Abstract

The case Study first describes a brief history of the organization. After describing the history of the organization the case study talks about the strategies that have helped the Harley Davidson in getting success in the industry of the motorcycle. This part of the case study describes how the new management after the purchase through LBO initiated the process of revitalization of the brand of Harley Davidson. This part of the case study discusses that new management in 1981 relied on the customer suggestions and feedback to improve the lost brand image of the Harley Davidson. The Case study mentions the strategy that the Harley Davidson has adopted to deal with the damaged brand image. The new management indulged into the turnaround strategy to deal with the brand chaos and they also successfully improve the relationship with the network dealers. The third section of the case study lists the details about the variegated products of Harley Davidson. It also matches and compares the products of Harley brand and other competitors in the market of bikes. The last part of the paper describes the new challenges that the Harley had to face after the entrance in 20th century. This part of the paper shows the new different challenges such as the estimation of the declined sales due to the aging of the baby boomers.

Aims and objectives of the report

As mentioned above that basic purpose of this report is to discuss the management of strategies of Harley Davidson in a holistic approach. In today's world, the phenomenon of globalization is in vogue. This phenomenon of globalization urges organizations to expand their business and search better opportunities across the border. When an organization decides to go international then the management of that the organization has to devise strategies to meet the global challenges. To fulfill this main purpose of the report, there are various sub objectives that ...
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