Strategic Information Management

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Strategic Information Management

Strategic Information Management


The purpose of this assignment is to view the requirements for the development and management of an Integrated Information Management for an organization. In the business environment today is increasingly difficult for the organization to not only survive, but to compete with other organizations. Information technology plays an important role in helping businesses to compete and survive. The companies that have branches or franchises need to make sure you can communicate with the central office for orders to be transmitted. Most of the time managers spent (Yates & Orlikowski, 1992):

Moving upwards of information and ideas to senior management to help your decision making

Providing managers of other departments with information that will help them do their job more effectively

Transmission of information by district to subordinates

Convey attitudes or the creation of

Receive and interpret facts and figures

Communication with the people side of business such as suppliers.

The manager of the resource requirements to help with the task mentioned above. Systems management information systems and decision support are two such resources. Computers and information systems play a critical role in the operation of most organizations. All organizations, from factories to banks, are highly dependent on information for their daily operations. The vast amount of information that large corporations and government agencies need to operate, and the speed with which that information is created and used, the system makes computer-based information critical to such operations (Pinsonneault & Kraemer, 1993).

Impact Of Management Information On Decision Making

There are different definitions of a system of information management: "Management of information systems products produced information products that support many of the needs of day to day management decisions. Reports, shows, and the responses elicited by These systems provide information that administrators have been specified in advance the most appropriate to their information needs. System of information management can be defined as a network computer process of developing products that integrate with manual and other procedures to provide timely, effective support management planning and control (Orlikowski, 1991)".

Management of information systems management at an organization serving the functions of planning, control and decision making by providing routine summary and exception reports. System of information management are interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision-making coordination, control, analysis and visualization in an organization . From the definition of a system of information management may be the general conclusion after arriving (Neiderman et al, 1991):

A system of information management is a set of people, tasks, systems, software and technology used to provide pre-defined routine information that is available to all members of the organization who need access to it. The information management systems provide a variety of reports and show management. The management systems (MIS) to retrieve internal information about an organization, and sharing with those who need it (McGill etal, 1992).

Information Management System Uses

Strategic-level systems to help plan the management of the company for long-term course of action.

Strategic-level systems to help plan the management of the company ...
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