Strategic Alliances

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Strategic Alliances and Its Successful In Manufacturing Firms

Chapter: IV: Findings and Analysis of the Data

The Strategic Alliance is one of the main tools to be used by organizations to address successfully the challenges of globalization and competitiveness. The Strategic Alliance is an understanding that occurs in General Motor (GM) and Toyota, Mazda and Ford firms define an action plan together to achieve mutual benefits of convenience. To realize this, we must change our mindset and look back at the environment around us, to reevaluate enemies, friends and strangers, looking for what to us for us and they too could they agree. Strategic Alliances are at General Motor (GM) and Toyota, Mazda and Ford firms used to several things:

To meet the specific objectives of the company. That is, to get everything that you choose directly (financial gain, institution building, foundation stability, contacts, prestige, influence, etc.). To help create a more harmonious coexistence system, thus promoting the whole of society. To generate development opportunities that serve to not only the company itself, but for others also benefit. Thus, there is also an indirect benefit, as more customers have more friends, more allies, more support, more pleasant interaction and more opportunities for all.

If strategic alliances are multiplying at General Motor (GM) and Toyota, Mazda and Ford firms, it is easier understood among sectors, the governance will be more simple and efficient coordination of different actors practice will go more smoothly and effectively, and increase the possibilities for improving information, participation in decisions, actions and benefits, by all sectors. To achieve better quality of life and provide better opportunities for human development to all members of society. That is, strategic alliances can be a key factor in the development of a country. You have to promote consciousness-raising about the importance and practical use of strategic alliances at different levels of the Company, beginning with the general direction for the company to make efficient use of this strategic resource. The strategic alliance should be treated similarly to any investment project, ie to be estimated investment and economic performance so as to maintain economic control rational and objective.

Deeds & Hill (2006) mention in a world increasingly complex, changing and hypercompetitive, development of the power of a strategic alliance, should be an important part of the repertoire of every good manager and marketing strategist, understand that it is better to work in teams, and act together to improve the income of your business. A Strategic Alliance is the opportunity to leverage other people's money, Power of the Marketing of others, the credibility of others, products or services of others, the ability of others to generate new business opportunities


The sample for the empirical assessments is comprised of General Motor (GM) and Toyota, Mazda and Ford firms. The database was compiled by Dataquest. Dataquest is an information company that specializes in the General Motor (GM) and Toyota, Mazda and Ford firms. Its data are utilized extensively in both business reporting and academic ...
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