The short story, 'Story of an Hour' is written by Kate Chopin. She was a woman who promoted the freedom of women. She herself was a very independent woman and wanted every woman to be one. She opposed the idea of woman being restricted to houses after marriage or thinks the same as their husbands did. She wanted woman to think independently and also wanted them to think for their own self. This story depicts the same idea. The story talks about how woman should think of freedom and they have all the rights to think the same.
The short story revolves around the story that women should be given the chance to live their lives even after their husband are dead. This paper will discuss two literary sources with respect to the theme of the story; plot and symbolism.
This story talks about a woman, Louise Mallard who is a heart patient. Her husband has died and the doctor has advised that this news should be broken to her very carefully so that her health is not affected. Nobody had the courage to break the news of the death of her husband to her. It was her sister, Josephine who broke the news to Louise.
At first, Louise reacted as every woman does on the death of her husband. She was very depressed and did not talk to anyone. All she did was, sit in her room alone, and cry. She did not even open the room even though her sister, Josephine shouted and begged her to open the door. Louise wanted to be left alone so that she can cry and let everything out of her. Josephine did not want her to leave alone because she knew that her sister is a heart patient ...