Stem Cell Research

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Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

1. Introduction

Of all the specialized Cells that are responsible for building the human body, none are more extraordinary than Stem Cells. Stem Cells are remarkable since they are the bridge between the fertilized egg and the human being that we become. Stem Cells are responsible for building our bodies into adults and in replenishing worn, damaged, or diseased tissues as we age. Depending on the source, Stem Cells have the ability to form one, many, or all cell types of an organism (Parson, A., 2004).

Stem cell research has been active for over 20 years and has made possible large advances in our knowledge of haematopoiesis (the process of blood cell formation in living organisms, most especially in the bone marrow) as well as mouse embryology. A Stem cell has the ability to treat and cure disease along with the possibility of helping those with spinal cord injuries. There are many who are in agreement with this research being performed along with those who are opposed to it (Wiggins, T. A., 2001).

This paper will answer some of the questions associated with Stem Cells and Stem cell research. We will explore the medical advances that have already been reached and the ones that are possible by using Stem Cells. The controversial side will also be explored and discussed. This paper will focus on the political, religious and ethical issues of such a sensitive topic.

2. Stem Cells and Disease

The Cells in our bodies do not live forever. Most of our Cells divide and duplicate themselves throughout our lifetime. Some Cells do not duplicate themselves at all or divide so slowly that they cannot replace themselves fast enough to fight the diseases that attack our bodies. By replacing these abnormal Cells with healthy Stem Cells from a matching donor or by using the patient's own Stem Cells, the body will begin to produce healthy white blood Cells. There are three types of Stem cell therapies currently being used to treat diseases (Hans R. Schöler, 2007).

Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Bone Marrow Stem Cells

Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Peripheral Blood Stem Cells

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant

The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) estimates that 75% of the Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplants (BMT) initiated by them are used in leukemia patients. The NMDP (part of a network of medical facilities facilitating BMTs) alone has been involved in matching 20,000 unrelated donor to patient transplants ( Bone marrow Stem cell transplants, peripheral blood Stem cell transplants and umbilical cord blood transplants are used to treat cancers such as leukemia and lymphomas, and multiple myeloma. BMT is also used to treat non-cancerous disease such as aplastic anemia, congenital deficiencies of the immune system and thalassemia major (hereditary disorder that manifests in low production and over-destruction of red blood Cells) (Tuch BE, 2006).

3. Diseases Currently Being Treated with Transplants

Leukemia is a cancer in the bone marrow of the white blood Cells that causes an increase in the white blood Cells being ...
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