The purpose of this paper is to examine the life expectancy of the individuals comprising the sample. In addition, the research will be focused on exploring the influence depicted by locality where individual resides on the life expectancy of the person. The findings of the research are based on diverse statistical approaches and formulas through which the valid results can be generated using the data accumulated through primary and secondary data collection sources.
Section One: Processing of the data
In this section of analysis, the data is accumulated from four regions in order to extract the life expectancy of individuals comprising the sample. The sample of the study represents the male and female population residing in the geographic regions considered as the research population. In this part of the research average life expectancy of individuals comprising the sample would be evaluated through the implication of descriptive statistics. The average age or mean representing age of the individuals residing in different locations considered as research population is extracted through the implication of below mentioned formula.
Mean = ?x / N
The implication of this formula did not differ with the change in localities considered for analysis; however, the implementation of formula revealed diversified results illustrating mean age of respondents residing in selected localities.
Mean England = ?x / N
Mean Wales = ?x / N
Mean Scotland = ?x / N
Mean Northern Ireland = ?x / N
In addition, standard deviation representing the respondents of different localities taken into consideration was extracted through below mentioned formula.
According to the analysis of the data representing different localities comprising research population, it can be stated that standard deviation for the localities specified is illustrated below.
s England = 3.39411
s Wales = 3.53553
s Scotland = 3.88909
s Northern Ireland = 3.74767
The analysis in this section is also focused to explore the range through which the lowest life expectancy and highest life expectancy representing a particular geographic locality can be analyzed. According to the analysis of data, it can be stated that the lowest life expectancy recorded in England is 75.20 and 80.00 refers to highest life expectancy. In addition, lowest life expectancy recorded in Wales was 74.50 and 79.50 represented highest life expectancy. Nonetheless, while analyzing life expectancy of individuals in Scotland, the lowest life expectancy was 72.70 and 78.20 represented highest life expectancy. In Northern Ireland, lowest life expectancy was 74.20 and 79.50 referred to highest life expectancy.