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Organisation that Threat their Stakeholders in a Fair and Equitable Manner and that Strive to meet their Reasonable Expectations are Likely to Experience High Level of Performance

Organisation that Threat their Stakeholders in a Fair and Equitable Manner and that Strive to meet their Reasonable Expectations are Likely to Experience High Level of Performance


Organisations that treat their stakeholders in a fair. The most equitable manner is to meet and strive their reasonable expectations are likely to experience high levels of performance, is the main statement that will be analysed in the procedding paper. The main ffocus of the report is on the Stakeholders. The report discusses the main term stakeholders, it's history and different theories that are related to stakeholders. Stakeholders are those who have rights or interests in a system. If, you are worried about the future of a system, the stakeholders should worry. For an organization, for example, the parties Stakeholders are any group or individual who can affect or be affects by the achievement of the purposes of the organization (McTaggart 2006,p.10). The paper also discusses the comparison between equity theories with stakeholder theories. The model of stakeholders discusses different factors that impact performance of any organization like economic, busin ess and ethical factors. Stakeholders are the assets of any organization, and it is the responsibility of any organization to maintain the long term positive relationship with them. The report also discusses one public and one private organization in terms of their performances and relation with the companies. I have choosen Wal-mart and Ryanair as the cases in the report. Finally the report concludes with the overall contribution of these companies and their strategies.

This definition considered by some very general because it includes both the parties concerned as well as all affected parties. Some prefer to restrict the term to those who have a 'participation', claim or interest - those who provide something of importance to the organization and expect in return something back. Stakeholders can be individuals, communities, social groups or organizations. For example, stakeholders in forest policy include people living in or near the relevant forests, or live more there. They do use them, people from other parts of the country or outside this, workers, small businesses, forestry officials, administrators timber companies, environmentalists, public officials, nationals, consumers, forest authorities, central government, agencies, agencies local government, national NGOs, academics, researchers, donors, consultants, international NGOs, community organizations and general (Lawrimore 2001,p. 15). All them, if their interests in the forests are indeed legitimate, and one of the roles of power analysis of stakeholders could be the analysis of these demands - must somehow be involved in the formulation and implementation of policies affecting forests.

Concept of Stakeholders

People, whatever the situation, assess the positions of others on a issue, so as to enable them to judge the level of support or opposition from others, and predict how they will behave under a change (Marjorie 2001). The analysis the power of stakeholders is an organized approach to ...
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