St. Luke Anglican Church

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St. Luke Anglican Church

Local Heritage Project: St. Luke Anglican Church

Information from the Heritage Branch State Heritage Inventory

Name of item:

St. Luke Anglican Church

Other name/s:

St. Luke Church

Type of item:



A Rectangular Nave, Classical Porch and a Square Bell Tower



Primary address:

Elizabeth Dr & Northumberland St

Liverpool NSW 2170

Local govt. area:


Like a window into the past heritage locations helps in the development of understanding regarding past events, and reveal the course of history and changes occurred in the area. Heritage locations, their preservation and current also help in understanding the community. Pictures are heritage are the main components of a heritage location which is being transferred to the community as residents of any particular area, and they will have to pass it on to the following generations. The heritage of a community provides them living sense and passes on physical association of the sties to the people living in an area for generation. It enhances and broadens the people lives and offer assistance to them in development of understanding regarding their status of position in the community. Heritage of heritage are vary in nature and takes into account conservation ground, streets, relics, archaeological sites, gardens, churches, bridge, landscapes, monuments and buildings. This paper in relation to the heritage assignment has selected St. Luke Anglican Church and will perform a critical examination of the architecture.

St. Luke Anglican Church, Liverpool Community

St. Luke Anglican Church is one of the oldest Anglican Church of Australia, and was serving the local community since October 1819. The architecture is the true reflection of the Georgian style architecture popular at that time, however glimpses of Australian colonial architecture is also visible. Governor Lachlan Macquarie in the year of 1810 laid the foundation of Liverpool district, which now is one of the oldest urban settlements of Australia. The district was named after the Secretary of State for the Colonies and Liverpool city of British. The town was created with the as an agriculture district, however, urban sprawl surge make the district external suburb of metropolitan Sydney. Since the creation of the town, much has been changed a town designed to fulfil the agriculture needs of the metropolis, has now become part of urbanisation. Majority of the people's are associated with non-agriculture business. Despite a growing city, average household income is lower than national average. Moreover, population of the town is very much diverse comprising of immigrants from all over the world. Much has been changed in the city now, several parks, shopping malls, apartments and other concrete structure has been built around the church. A place, which in the past was considered to be a good place for worship with calm and peace has now the neighbourhood of commercial buildings.

Early History of St. Luke Church

The Governor Lachlan Macquarie laid the foundation of St. Luke's Church Liverpool. Macquarie dispatched a letter to the Secretary of State for colonies Earl Bathurst on April 4, 1817 in which he expresses his intention to build the ...