Sports Therapy

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Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy


Sports injuries" are injuries that occur during the practice of sports or exercise. Some are from accidents. Others may be the result of poor training practices or improper gear training. Some people were injured when they are in good physical condition. In some cases, the lesions are due to the lack or scarcity of warm up or stretch before you play or exercise. Therefore, in order to deal with such injuries, the Sports People are given Sports Therapies. The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the Sports Therapies and the role of National Health Service (NHS) in the Sports Therapies and treatments. The paper makes discussion on the structure of UK healthcare system in the context of Sports Therapies, and the attributes and forms of health promotion facilities, screening and disease prevention. This paper also reflects the understanding the principles of Sports Therapies. Sports Therapy is the use of the effective ways and measures that can be helpful for improving and increasing the fitness of athlete. Sports Therapy also includes the injury rehabilitation facilities. Sports Therapy is the way in which manual and electric interventions are applied in order to achieve therapeutic objectives (Ward, 2004, p. 56).

1) Identify key aspects of the structure of the UK Healthcare system in the context of Sports Therapies

There is a great role for Sports Therapy in the UK healthcare system. The role of Sports Therapists in the UK healthcare system is to prevent and treat diseases and problems, that occur in the sports. Sports Therapists play very important role in the UK healthcare system. These Sports Therapists work to provide healthcare facilities to UK athletes. They provide the first aid services to the athletes. Thus, their contribution is very important in the UK healthcare system.

The structure of UK healthcare is very good and balanced, as it not only provides facilities for the normal individuals living in UK, but is also very much supportive for the sports and the athletes. There are different centres, that work for providing the therapeutically assistance to the sports people of UK. The main institution that works for the Sports Therapies in UK is NHS (Brukner, 2006). NHS has its keen focus on the Sports Therapies and the interventions for the sports people and athletes. Thus, NHS has identified its key role in the prevention of health injuries. The different programs and institutions identified by NHS, are helpful in analyzing and solving the different kinds of fitness problems faced by the sports people. These medical centres of UK are designed to provide the physician-directed program that provides guidance of treatment, rehabilitation and conditioning to the sports people in UK. In UK, there are several institutions and medical centres working under NHS that work for the betterment of the sports. These medical centres are designed for the therapeutic interventions (Ward, 2004, p. 56). These medical centres and institutions located in UK are full of the various highly skilled ...
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