China has attracted much unwanted attention duo is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games. Many people around the world use the Games to highlight the issue of China as the Tibet independence, and the involvement of China in Darfur and its human rights record at home. There are calls in many countries for athletes to boycott the Games in protest. However, many people, including many athletes believe that politics should not be introduced into the sport and it is unfair to ask athletes not to participate in the Olympics. Detailed sentence Sport and politics should not be confused. Although no two subjects are discussed with more fervor among men, they are both of paramount importance for the survival of nations. Although some people think that sport and politics must be separated, others say it is impossible to separate them, and that sport helps to make political statements sends a strong message to governments. Thesis statement "Using sport to make political statements sends a strong message to governments." Arguments FOR First Advantage China is a dictatorship with an abysmal record on human rights. Steven Spielberg has set an example by withdrawing from his position as artistic adviser to the Beijing Olympics because of the regime's support for the genocidal government of Sudan. The Chinese government regards the possibility of hosting the Games as a propaganda stunt. He is eager to present the best image of the regime. Therefore, the Olympics offer an extraordinary opportunity to embarrass the regime and persuade it to reform in order to save face. (Joel, 2003 168) The main argument in favor of sports these limits seem to be that the use of foreign players is damaging to developing home grown talent. In other words, non-foreign young ...