Spiritual Leadership, a book by father and son team Richard and Henry Blackaby, deals with leadership principles that are distinctly different from those found in secular leadership manuals. This intriguing and convicting book will affect anyone seriously interested in discovering their strengths, attacking their weaknesses, and improving their effectiveness as they seek to lead others toward God's agenda. The following paper will first summarize the entire book, and will then evaluate both the strengths and weaknesses of the book, and finally offer a personal application of the material found therein.Basic Principles of Spiritual Leadership
In Chapter 1, the authors discuss the leader's challenge, cuing in on their intended audience, the spiritual leader. Spiritual leadership is made up of almost the same basic principles as traditional leadership. However, spiritual leadership does consist of a few specific qualities that set it apart. Spiritual leaders must understand and practice these qualities in order to be successful in their role. Spiritual leaders need to have the ability to influence people to follow God's will rather than their own. Spiritual leadership involves accountability to God's will. Effective spiritual leadership involves seeking and understanding God's agenda rather than personal agendas.
Devotion to God's Word
One of the most important qualities of spiritual leadership is complete devotion to God's word. Without this devotion, leadership of Christians will not be possible. Spiritual leaders need to spend enormous amounts of time studying God's word and applying its principles to daily living. A heartfelt devotion to studying what God has to say and knowing how to apply it takes considerable skill. Apart from devotion to the study of God's word and its application, teaching others about this word is also important.Ability to Influence People
In Chapter 7, the authors discuss the leader's influence. They name five specific actions that define a leader's influence: prayer, hard work, communication, service, and positive attitudes. In order to lead people to God and the truth, a spiritual leader must be able to influence people to rational thinking. People are impatient and prefer to make their own plans and try to do things on their own. An effective leader should be able to move people away from relying on their own strength and abilities, toward trusting in God's will in their lives. This is not an easy task and takes a strong leader, well grounded in God's word, to influence people to adjust their lives to the will of God.
Spiritual leadership involves accountability, not to man, but to God. Spiritual leaders need to reverence and fear God, trusting in His will and developing a keen sense of accountability. Spiritual leadership is not about laying blame on people for not doing the right thing or about making excuses. Instead leaders have to assume responsibility for people under their care. They have a responsibility to teach and guide people to know about God and to follow his will this and this includes all people, not just Christians. Anyone who is willing to listen and accept God's divinity should be encouraged to do ...