Speech Given By Kathy Amatniek To The Main Assembly Of The Jeanette Rankin Brigade On January 15, 1968 In Washington D.C

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Speech given by Kathy Amatniek to the main assembly of the Jeanette Rankin Brigade on January 15, 1968 in Washington D.C

Speech given by Kathy Amatniek to the main assembly of the Jeanette Rankin Brigade on January 15, 1968 in Washington D.C


Considering the changes and the challenges that have been known to us not only made way for progress, but also called for how the reputation of feminist individuals continued to show a better understanding and comprehension of the changes and the challenges that have been intended altogether. In line with the problems that women face in the world today not only make way for showing the kind of demeaning treatment that has been intended to the feminine generation, but also shows the kind of troubled reputation that has been affecting women for decades.

Not only is this, the kind of 'masculine' lives that women have to deal with much strenuous and difficult to deal with, since the kind of problems that come with being the women have not only been frowned upon, but that their problems have majorly been sidelined altogether.

For this paper, our major focus would be upon a speech that was intended and delivered by Miss Kathy Amatniek, who not only shed light upon the kind of duties and responsibilities that can be dually fulfilled by both women and men, but also the kind of reputation and position that a woman should have while living and serving the American society.

What is the context for this speech?

In line with the context of the speech, it basically revolves how movements have changed and transformed from what was once a revolution embossed in the books of history to a gathering of people with differing opinions and sharp differences, still strolling the path of unity.

The speech narrates and specifically regards the changes and the challenges that have been intended over the years, the reputation and the level of belief regarding women has been slit wide open. The fact that individuals not only have changed the course of how people and individuals continued to make way for progress, but also called for addressing multiple issues that have been faced and experienced by women altogether in the long-run.

The first immediate traces that shows the traces of women rights and giving them a separate identity dates back to the time when slavery took place in countries. With the occurrence and the Abolitionist Movement that many women, serving lives like pressured animals and cattle, understood their own individual reputation, but also called for understanding their individual rights and prerogatives altogether.

However, over the passage of time, Amatniek promulgates and clearly mentions that with times changing so fast, not only have we become accustomed to bringing up meager issues up through these movements, but also that the underlying motivation that comes with these movements also has become cluttered and clouded altogether in the long-run.

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