Special Populations Paper

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Special Populations Paper

What populations have you reviewed and which one have you selected?

The term special population does not refer to the group of those people who are living collectively within a certain society or who have some kind of physical disabilities only. But here, when talking with the reference of case management, special population means those individuals who have some kind of disabilities, who are suffering from some kind of depression, individuals who are living with any complicated disease such as HIV, AIDS or cancer. People who are homeless or are living with a single parent due to some conflicts between the relationships of their parents are also included in this category. After doing a detailed research on the individuals belonging to the category of special population, the population which I have chosen is of teenagers who suffer from depression at a very early age.

How and why have you selected this population? How was this area of interest formed?

Depression has become a common mental disorder in people who are in their 50's or 60's. Depression involves in the loss of interest, pleasure, low self-esteem, feeling of guilt, disturbed appetite or loss of sleep, low level of energy and poor level of concentration and also depressed mood. The reason for choosing this topic is this that now, besides old age people, many teenagers are also being diagnosed with depression that sometimes results in the death of the teenager that is an alarming situation for the parents and the society as well. This issue gains my interest in it and led me to perform more research on this particular problem.

What do you bring to the field of helping that would benefit this specific population?

The best thing so far that is considered most effective when talking about helping the population who are ...
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