In the scientific sense means the only Latino Hispanics who have immigrated from Central and South America, but non-Spanish European immigrants and their descendants. These are therefore, Hispanics but no Latinos. Conversely, in the U.S. are immigrant Brazilians Although Latinos but not Hispanics.
Hispanics now live in higher numbers, especially in the U.S. states of South and Southwest, especially California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida (especially Cubans), Colorado, Nevada, but also in New York (particularly Puerto Ricans). A large proportion of Hispanics speak better Spanish than English, especially when the family first immigrated to this generation or a few generations in the United States. Often it is not "pure" Spanish (Caste llano), but a many Anglicism equipped Spanish (Scott, 2005).
Because of its demographic development since 2003 as largest U.S. minority, which constitutes in some parts of the Southwest of the United States, it is already the majority (mainly in California and New Mexico). Their strong political mobilization as a relatively homogeneous group, their perception as from the 1980s years has risen sharply. Its political significance will be enhanced by several factors like the population growing faster than all other population groups (increasing potential voters).
Hispanics live mostly in the big states, make up a large proportion of electors in the U.S. presidential election (California, Texas, and Florida) and thus have a correspondingly large impact on the outcome of these elections. In some states, where neither of the two major parties has a structural majority (swing states), the Hispanic population is particularly high (for example, Florida, New Mexico, Arizona) - the population can therefore, treat they "hold the balance of play”.
Hispanics are an ethnic group in the United States, where all residents of Hispanic or Spanish origin include. The term was coined in the 1970s by the U.S. government. As a result of the mixing of different ethnicities in the USA, during the last 400 years, has the term no selectivity, mainly the membership is due to Hispanics on a self-assessment, indicating the U.S. population every ten years in a census, a written census questionnaires (Miguel, 2009).
Obesity and Hispanic Americans
The obesity rate among white teenagers is the only one to have declined to find the 2001 level. This rate has stagnated teenage Hispanic and increased. The reasons for these disparities are attributable to the account of socioeconomic causes; the population groups most affected are also those with the lowest incomes.
Obesity in the Hispanic community in the United States Obesity has more than doubled in the last 25 years, becoming child health problem more serious than the United States. However, the problem is equally serious in all ethnic and social groups. According to the study, conducted by Mathematical Policy Research Inc, it formed 2.452 in the study of children born in 75 U.S. hospitals, and met 3 years between 2001 and 2003, U.S. children Latin origin are more likely to become obese at age 3, which their counterparts in black or white. While the level of obesity in children African Americans ...