Special learning is intended for scholars who are exceptional—significantly different from the average. The difference may be either desirable or undesirable. Just how different from average and in what ways a student must be different to merit special education are perpetual controversies.(Turnbull,2009) Furthermore, a difference alone does not entitle a student to special education under current law: the difference must interfere to a significant extent with his or her education. Just what constitutes significant interference with education is a matter of judgment and therefore another perpetual issue. In spite of controversies, special education is now an integral part of public education about which every teacher should know.(Alvarez,2009)
Most students receiving special education have disabilities. They are far below average in one or more of the following abilities, with related special education categories included in italics: thinking (cognition; mental retardation), academic learning (learning not consistent with intellectual ability; specific learning disability), recognizing and controlling emotions or behavior (emotional disturbance), using speech in communication (communication disorder), hearing (deafness or impaired hearing), seeing (blindness or impaired vision), moving or maintaining physical well-being (physical disability or other health impairment). Special education categories also include autism (or autism spectrum disorders), traumatic brain injury, and severe or multiple disabilities (e.g., deaf-blindness).(Alvarez,2009) These students have been or can be predicted to be unsuccessful in the general education curriculum with instruction by a regular classroom teacher.
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Special Education Students with Arts Education and Special Education Students without Arts Education.
Initial research question
What are the differences and similarities between Special Education Students with Arts Education and Special Education Students without Arts Education?
Researcher's role and Data collection
The research is based on secondary data collection. The data will be extracted from various journals, articles and books. In secondary research data will be extracted from various journals, books and articles.
Qualitative research is more subjective as compared to quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information which could be both primary and secondary. As already mentioned this study will choose the secondary method. The theme of this type of research will be investigative along with open-ended.
This type of research is often less expensive than outlines and is extremely effective by acquiring information. It is often the method of choice in the examples where quantitative measurement is not required.
Special education is also appropriate for students whose abilities are significantly above average—those with special gifts or talents. Gifted education receives comparatively little attention and has not been mandated by federal law as of 2007. It has been left to state and local education authorities.
A variety of words may be used to describe exceptionality, including emotional or behavioral disorder (rather than emotional disturbance), autism or Asperger syndrome (instead ...