Special Education

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Special Education

Special Education

Definition of Special Education

The education is a socialization process where the individual acquires and assimilates different types of knowledge This is a process of cultural awareness and behavior, which is embodied in a set of skills and values (Theunissen & Plaut 2002).

When people suffer from some type of disability mental or physical, their needs may not be satisfied by the traditional educational system (Theunissen & Plaut 2002). It is here where the concept of special education, which, as its name implies, presents different characteristics (i.e. special).

Special education provides technical and human resources to offset the declines experienced by students. In this way, students can complete the process of learning in an environment according to their capabilities (Theunissen & Plaut 2002).

History of Special Education

Special education goes back to the sixteenth century, when the deaf could access different classes. Over time, special education was institutionalized and was aimed at all types of disabilities. There is even special education for gifted children, who have more advanced capabilities than other students their age (Theunissen & Plaut 2002).

The purpose of special education is, ultimately, provide the necessary educational tools for those who have different needs than the average. Thus, children with disabilities can access the training and develop fully, so that may be inserted into adulthood easier. Sought, where possible, help children develop into independent adults who can fend for themselves through their education.

Purpose of Special Education

Special Education aims to promote and ensure compliance with the principle of equal opportunities for those children and young people with special educational needs at all levels and modalities of the school system, through an educational package and human, technical and material at their disposal (Theunissen & Plaut 2002).

To achieve this purpose, the new Special Education policy sets out guiding principles and defines major goals to be achieved in special education. The new policy seeks to implement the right to education, equal opportunities, participation and non-discrimination of people with special educational needs, ensuring their full access, integration and progress in the education system.

For this plan to develop new plans and programs, professional development for teachers and non-teaching, delivery of training materials, textbooks and educational resources, with gradual incorporation into programs of quality assurance of education.

Likewise, in the perspective of strengthening the role of family in Special Education, seeks to implement a system of information, advice and support to families of students who have special educational needs, to exercise their right to choose best educational option for their children and actively participate in the educational process (Theunissen & Plaut 2002).

Process of special education

First step: preliminary recommendation for services of special education

Each state must identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities who need special education and related services. To comply, states carry out tasks of "Child." A child can be identified by the work of "Child," and their parents may be asked by the system if the system can evaluate your child. Parents can also call the system of "Child" and ask your child evaluated (Kobi ...
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