Solver For Transonic And Supersonic Aerodynamic Forces

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Solver for Transonic and Supersonic Aerodynamic Forces

Solver for Transonic and Supersonic Aerodynamic Forces

Transonic and Supersonic Aerodynamic Forces &probdef nstep = 50000,

leqtyp = 1,

dt = 0.05,

lrst = 1,

lwakest = 0,

lcphi = 3,

laerol = 1, &end

&flow xmach = 0.92, gamma = 1.4, qinf = 5.74, uinf = 10000.0,


&print inprcp = 100, &end

&mesh ihle = 21, ihte = 70, xi = -15.00000, -13.50000, -12.02006, -10.57869, -9.19261, -7.87671, -6.64391, -5.50512, -4.46912, -3.54251, -2.72959, -2.03231, -1.45014, -0.98005, -0.61636, -0.35068, -0.17185, -0.06580, -0.01554, -0.00100, 0.00000, 0.00213, 0.00563, 0.00871, 0.01257, 0.01736, 0.02322, 0.03027, 0.03860, 0.04828, 0.05936, 0.07189, 0.08586, 0.10130, 0.11817, 0.13645, 0.15610, 0.17706, 0.19926, 0.22264, 0.24710, 0.27255, 0.29890, 0.32604, 0.35387, 0.38227, 0.41113, 0.44033, 0.46977, 0.49933, 0.52889, 0.55835, 0.58762, 0.61659, 0.64517, 0.67328, 0.70085, 0.72781, 0.75412, 0.77974, 0.80463, 0.82879, 0.85222, 0.87494, 0.89700, 0.91844, 0.93935, 0.95983, 0.98000, 1.00000, 1.02000, 1.05334, 1.11356, 1.21420, 1.36849, 1.58910, 1.88782, 2.27536, 2.76100, 3.35234, 4.05504, 4.87252, 5.80570, 6.85270, 8.00859, 9.26512, 10.61041, 12.02868, 13.50000, 15.00000, jhr = 15,

eta = 0.00000, 0.15000, 0.29858, 0.44394, 0.58405, 0.71673, 0.83986, 0.95149, 1.05001, 1.13427, 1.20374, 1.25870, 1.30030, 1.33080, 1.35364, 1.37364, 1.39648, 1.42698, 1.46858, 1.52353, 1.59301, 1.67727, 1.77578, 1.88741, 2.01054, 2.14322, 2.28333, 2.42869, 2.57727, 2.72727, khl = 30, khu = 31,

zeta = -15.00000, -14.00000, -13.00615, -12.02426, -11.05977, -10.11774, -9.20285, -8.31937, -7.47118, -6.66174, -5.89410, -5.17089, -4.49429, -3.86606, -3.28750, -2.75945, -2.28231, -1.85599, -1.47994, -1.15309, -0.87393, -0.64041, -0.44999, -0.29962, -0.18570, -0.10413, -0.05027, -0.01893, -0.00435, -0.00025, 0.00025, 0.00435, 0.01893, 0.05027, 0.10413, 0.18570, 0.29962, 0.44999, 0.64041, 0.87393, 1.15309, 1.47994, 1.85599, 2.28231, 2.75945, 3.28750, 3.86606, 4.49429, 5.17089, 5.89410, 6.66174, 7.47118, 8.31937, 9.20285, 10.11774, 11.05977, 12.02426, 13.00615, 14.00000, 15.00000,

&end &config nhrzs = 1, alfh0 = 0.0,


&trnsfrm ntrgns = 3, lrgn = 1,2,3,

ibndlst = 20,70,90, ntbndin = 2,3,3,2,

tbndinx(1,1) = -15.00000, -15.00000,

tbndinx(1,2) = 0.00000, 0.7, 0.7, tbndinx(1,3) = 1.00000, 1.23333, 1.23333, tbndinx(1,4) =15.00000, 15.00000,

tbndiny(1,1) = 0.00000, 2.727272,

tbndiny(1,2) = 0.00000, 1.35364, 2.727272, tbndiny(1,3) = 0.00000, 1.35364, 2.727272, tbndiny(1,4) = 0.00000, 2.727272,

&end &cntsrf &end

&aerol nmodes = 6, gmass = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,

1.0, 1.0,

damp = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,

0.0, 0.0,

freq = 33.463, 109.939, 196.121, 414.503,

495.624, 604.012,

x0 = 0.0, 10.0,

0.0, 10.0,

0.0, 10.0,

0.0, 10.0,

0.0, 10.0,

0.0, 10.0, gfrefl = 90.0, &end

NACA 4% airfoil

&harfl nfhiny(1) = 2, fhiny(1,1) = 0.0, 1.35364, fhuin(1,1,1) = .00000, .00356, .00526, .00690, .00848, .00998,

.01141, .01275, .01399, .01513, .01617, .01709,

.01788, .01855, .01910, .01952, .01980, .01997, .02000, .01992, .01943, .01903, .01854, .01796,

.01731, .01660, .01583, .01502, .01417, .01328,

.01238, .01146, .01053, .00961, .00870, .00780,

.00692, .00607, .00526, .00449, .00377, .00310,

.00250, .00197, .00150, .00112, .00082, .00059,

.00046, .00042, dfxhuin(1,1,1) =

.22255, .21371, .20307, .18893, .17198, .15300,

.13286, .11242, .09247, .07372, .05674, .04192, .02947, .01943, .01168, .00596, .00190, -.00091,

-.00292, -.00453, -.00790, -.01012, -.01278, -.01591,

-.01934, -.02292, -.02643, -.02965, -.03240, -.03453,

-.03598, -.03676, -.03693, -.03665, -.03613, -.03560,

-.03529, -.03543, -.03617, -.03764, -.03985, -.04275,

-.04620, -.04999, -.05388, -.05757, -.06080, -.06332,

-.06491, -.06545,

fhlin(1,1,1) =

-.00000, -.00356, ...
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