Soldiers Coping With Ptsd In The Military

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Soldiers coping with PTSD in the military

Soldiers coping with PTSD in the military


The post-traumatic stress disorder, in short, PTSD is a disorder picture, which to date (again) is increasingly diagnosed and is also greater attention in the media. There were other times when the importance of trauma in the development of serious psychological stress and diseases of any importance was discussed. Viewed in the larger time-courses, the interest is for the disease in a wave-like motion between total disregard and denial of causality on the one hand and costly research and hypotheses on the other (Mayou, Ehlers, & Hobbs, 2000).

Interestingly, there is an analogy between this wave motion of the assessment of trauma in the social environment and the processing of this disorder in affected patients. Even in the therapeutic process, the phase change from denial to those where the patient is protected from flooding with traumatic material needs. The interplay of these phases over a prolonged (several months or several years) process between the approach to and engagement with the trauma on the one hand and denial and internal dissociation of trauma succeeds the other hand, in positive cases (with or without therapeutic help) in a kind of dialectical process, a gradual processing with possible far-reaching integration of the traumatic experience neutralizing or content in the context of life (Mayou, Ehlers, & Hobbs, 2000).


Post-traumatic stress disorder (post-traumatic stress disorder/PTSD) can be after exposure to a trauma to develop, that is, if a person with events or situations that exceed its processing capacity. Here depends on the question whether an event traumatizing becomes effective as soon of both, of the nature and strength of the event / the situation and of the person who is exposed to the event / situation. On the part of the person often plays a decisive role, in which overall condition it is located, whether an event / situation traumatic effect or can be processed (Mayou, Ehlers, & Hobbs, 2000).

Despite this mutuality has to assume, however, apparent that there is no person who would not traumatisierbar by a sufficiently intense event. There are probably situations and events, who because of their severity or incompatible with human life for all people traumatic effect. Conversely Teaches there are people whose defence mechanisms and coping skills are particularly strong or flexible or their sensitivity (vulnerability) for a particular traumatizing event is exceptionally small. These people are then more resistant to such events, on average, than others (Yufik, & Simms, 2011).

If the person is often overwhelmed by the experience of trauma, and while he experienced intense emotions, it may be advisable not to process the trauma directly, but to help with the intrusive memories deal. In this approach avoids confronting it directly with the traumatic experience. If the victim is less overwhelmed by the experienced, it may be useful to work directly with the traumatic experience. Often only a phase of stabilization is necessary before the specific traumatic therapeutic techniques can be employed. However, it is often necessary to deal ...
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