Software Liability

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Software Liability

Software Liability


Software quality advocates sometimes argue that we should require companies to follow reasonable product development processes. This is a technological risk management approach, which is obvious to us because that's what we do for a living: use technology to improve products and reduce risks.

Software Liability

A process of "sound" requirement is part of the legal theories, but not in others. There are several different theories that can be processed. more or less important, as the legal climate (for example, according to the legal approach to risk management is key for the moment). A legal "theory" is not a scientific theory. I do not know why we use the word "theory." A theory is a legal definition of the main reasons for trial. For example, if you sue someone under a theory of negligence:

You must prove that (a) the person has a duty of care, (b) the person has breached the duty, and (c) violation was the cause (s) hurt you or your property. You must convince the jury that (a), (b), (c) and (d) are more likely to be true that the links go to the wrong defendant.

If you prove your case, you are entitled to compensation for the full value of your injury or property damage. If the jury decides the evidence is clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted fraudulently, abusive, malicious or outrageous, you can also collect punitive damages. It is to punish the defendant, does not compensate. The amount of compensation should be sufficient to attract the attention of the defendant, but not enough to put out of business. Punitive damages are rarely awarded in lawsuits - a small stream to the plaintiffs' lawyers estimated the value of a case, we were told to expect to win punitive damages in approximately 2% of neglect ...
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