Technology is advancing day by day and, each day brings new ideas with certain innovations and technologies. Technical works mainly focus on technical work and do not give proper time to project planning and, other management skills.
Software development in most organizations, become victim of lack of management and, poor outcomes. It is observed that, most of the technical managers have not special training to manage certain software projects (Prinzo, R., 2011, June 6). Due to this lacking in IT companies, there are poor outcomes and, negative marketing. Organizations should follow such management skills in order to bring positive outcomes for the organization.
There are three most important skills which is required by a project manager to overcome different issues related to software development such as Planning, leadership and decision making capability (Prinzo, R., 2011, June 6).
When there is any failure observed in planning then, project may be failed. Effective planning is required to solve different issues at upstream with low costs instead of downstream with high costs. When there is unplanned work, then there is the requirement of 80% rework on such projects. There will be more time consumed on fixing the mistakes of the projects.
All the success and positive outcomes of the project is dependent on the proper planning (Prinzo, R., 2011, June 6). There may be series of planned small mistakes in the software development project rather than the large mistakes. For instance, discarding of three design alternatives rather than four is considered as the small mistake. When there is no proper design work and, rewriting of codes all the time considered as the large mistakes. There is the question that, when project managers get time to plan the project and, at which stage? There is the requirement of small percentage of time because, if this small time is not given at the early stage then, there will be more consumption of time and money later when there are mistakes at crucial stages. When there is lot of time given to the upstream activities then there are less chances to focus on downstream activities and, time will be saved. Upstream quality assurance can save the 3 to 10 hours of the downstream costs. It is also noticed, when there is proper time given on upstream quality assurance then, project is completed earlier then the desired project date.
How a project manager plans to initiate a project without getting involve in certain issues. There are certain recommendations which should be followed by project manager in order to lead the team and, completing the project at projected date.
There should be a software development plan maps which may be serve as the course for the software development project. When this plan is presented in writing then, all the stakeholders will easily follow the plan throughout the project.
The estimation of the project serves as the foundation of the project plan and, when there is the proper estimation of the project then, it will fulfill the scope ...