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We are glad to announce that the latest release of SAP Business One integration for SAP NetWeaver (B1iSN) is now in unrestricted shipment. SAP Business One integration for NetWeaver is an SAP solution for business network integration that rapidly integrates SAP Business One with SAP Business Suite or any other ERP solution running in company's headquarters, subsidiaries, divisions, and third-party partners. Visit the SAP Business One Integration for SAP NetWeaver (SAP s-user required) landing page on the SAP Business One Customer Portal for more information about the solution or to download the software.

SAP Business One provides a single, affordable solution for managing your entire business, including financials, sales, customer relationships and operations. Streamline your end-to-end operations, gain instant access to complete information and accelerate profitable growth. As a single, comprehensive solution SAP Business One provides you with software functions to help you run all areas of your business.

With each SAP Business One installation you receive the entire package of applications. That means you no longer need to pick and chose which applications you can afford.

SAP Business One is also designed to be easy to use by small businesses with quick installation and is easy to maintain.

SAP Business One's design approach provides many benefits for your business including:

More time to focus on growing your business instead of trying to figure out how to use the software

Increased business profits since this integrated system eliminates redundant data entry, errors, and delays

Improved sales and relationships with your customers due to better management of customer communication

Reduced expense by minimizing employee training

Industry specific applications provide the ultimate in customization as SAP Business One provides hundreds of easily integrated applications specific for your industry

SAP Business One is also available in more than 20 languages further simplifying its use in your business

SAP Business One provides you with a critical edge needed to compete in today's business world.

With SAP Business One duplicate data entry is a thing of the past.

With SAP Business One you'll find greatly improved access to the right information at the right time so you and your employees can make the best business decision.

With SAP Business One revenue, expense and cash flow are easy to manage providing you the flexibility to respond quickly any changes in your business.

The SAP Business One software is provided in its entirety starting at $3,000 per user plus installation and training services. This price range makes SAP Business One affordable for nearly all businesses. It also provides the ability to grow as your business grows without the need to start over with another system.

ERP Software Comparison

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Software systems are applications that integrate a business' data sources and functions into one information-sharing, unified system. Designed to make possible industry best practices, ERP Software will manage functionality in order to coordinate and synchronize a business' complete operation.

For a company, the benefits of implementing ERP Software are considered unparalleled. A few of the highlights of ERP software benefits are: savings in time and effort to enter data; ease ...
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