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Socrates Apology

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Socrates Apology


The philosopher Anaximander of Miletus, a pupil of Thales, was born in 611 BC and died in 547 BC. He tried to reach the top position in various aspects of life. Thus it challenged the prior approval of the teacher in a spirit of acute scientism. He wrote the prose in the Ionic dialect, which survived piecemeal. He considered the term 'infinite' as a primary source of life after observing the contrast between warm and cold component. The authority which he had made him to think the world look more logical to view another source that created these contrasts, rather than seeing other items which were preferred over the other. This was the other source called "infinite" which even had some other elements. Anaximander additionally noted: "things give satisfaction and reparation to one another for injustice, as determined in accordance with the requirements of time." This conception of law and injustice repeated more than once in the Ionian natural philosophy would always have the same connection. He referred to the sovereignty of a natural element to the other. The formation of the world was due to the separation of opposites. (Allen, pp.34-57)

The land regarded Anaximander and it was based on nothing but floated free in space because the forces exerted on each other. As regarded by the shape of the earth, it gives an intermediate approach between the theories of Thales that it is in a disc shape. It is basically incomplete cylinder in proportion to the shape of a column. He also found out that living things emerged from the sea. Anaximander stated that except for the undeniable scientific value, he has shown exemplary courage by directly challenging the scientific findings of his time and perceptions of the intellectual leadership. It is so admirable both for him and the remarkable attitude of life, both intellectually and free atmosphere of the time ceding growth areas of sound, evidence-based theories, even if they were in head-on clash with the hitherto established. Therefore, these were the achievements of Anaximander and importance of his life. (Farrar, pp.67-81)


He was born in Ephesus, in 544 BC and died in 484 BC. Heraclitus belonged to a very prominent aristocratic family in Ephesus; it appears, in fact, that throughout his life he retained a feeling of contempt towards people which contains lost of detail in some passages of the books. In these books, he deplored the political morality of his fellow citizens. He even considered them as opponents of tyranny, and democracy. He took part in the political struggles of his country, always on the side of the aristocrats and condemned the principle of equality. According to some traditions, its melancholic character and some Christians along with other authors claim that they were prosecuted for atheism. For teachers who do not know many things; some even considered them students of Xenophanes. However, most likely the factor is that the latter already left when he was born in Ionia Heraclitus. In any event, however, Heraclitus must ...
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