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Changing Nature of American Family Structure

Changing Nature of American Family Structure


The family structure that persisted in America previously was the normal family structure that consists of a male father, female mother and children. However, massive changes have been observed in the family structure of America today. Many changes have taken place in the family structure, in America. This has taken place mainly because of the presence of heterosexual and homosexual individuals, single parent, nuclear, and extended families. These changes in the family structures have a lot of impact on the family structure which is why it has also effected the other social institutions.


Heterosexual couples are the opposite genders who develop likeliness for one another and marry each other. These couples have babies and live like a happy family. However, there are many problems that are occurring in America today. This happens mainly because of conflicts between the parents which often results in divorce and separation. This has a very negative impact on the children as their mentality gets affected (Fulcher & Scott, 1999).


The concept of homosexuality has increased in the recent years. This occurs when people of the same gender develop likeliness for one another. These people are often referred as gay and lesbians by the society. Gays are two men who like one another while lesbians are females who like one another and want to spend their lives with their partner. Marriages of gays and lesbians in America are legal in most of the States. However, marriages laws in the states in the US differ from one state to another. The names of the six states where same-sex marriages are legal are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington D.C. and New York. These couples cannot produce babies because of which they adopt children. There are many couples who take good care of the children but the family can never be like a normal family.

Single Parent

Increase in independence and the level of literacy has enabled individuals to fight for their rights. Moreover, since everyone is given freedom, they are looking for what they want. Life has become more stressful today than what it was in the preceding years. This has also increased the number of conflicts that occur between the parents. Conflicts between the parents have a very negative impact on the minds of the children. However, because of freedom the number of parents opting for divorce is much higher ...
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