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Bureaucracy is a division of labor in relation to the administration. "Bureau" is a French word meaning a table, or more generally, the office, so that "bureaucracy" is the rule across the desk or office, that is a form of organization is built on the preparation and sending of written documents. In contrast to the widely held view of bureaucracy, they do not "rule" in themselves but a means by which the monarchy, aristocracy, democracy, or other forms of government regulations.

Watching the changes that occurred during the industrial revolution, Weber saw capitalism as a "rational" way of organizing work: rational in the sense that all decisions are based on the calculation of their eventual return to the enterprise. Ideally bureaucracy is why Weber is dedicated to the principle of efficiency: maximum output while minimizing input.

In the study of organizational innovation in Germany at the turn of the 20th century, Weber defined the basic elements of this new form of organization "theory of social and economic organization." For Weber, bureaucracy is perfectly characterized by impersonality, efficiency and effectiveness. Rationality (Weber, p. 23) the major characteristic of the association that the powers of agents subjected released directions and codes of perform and all the directions, conclusions and activities have been noted in composing.

The structure of the association is a relentless hierarchy where each grade is subject to command by the grade above. Each position in the hierarchy exists in its own right and work holders are not entitled to a special position. Responsibilities within each level clearly demarcated, and each level has its own sphere of competence. Appointment, and levels of power that go with it, based solely on the basis of technical competence.

Weber believes that, because of their efficiency and stability, the bureaucracy will become the most common form of organization in ...
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