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Sociology is the same as common sense, discuss'. With the increase in technology and supposed increase in the understanding of our society, sociology is becoming progressively more effective and important in the break down and realisation of sociological problems and solutions. Sociology is 'the social science'. 'It is the study and analysis of human behaviour as a result of society'. The aim of sociology is to study behaviour and establish it in a different way through testing and research. Common sense on the other hand is the information that a person has learnt from society as they have been socialised. For example, it is common sense to drive on the left hand side of the road. It may seem useful to us, but it is not always necessarily correct. Some people may argue that not everybody in the world is a sociologist, the majority of people that live on this planet do.

Section 1. Observation - An everyday situation/experience ( 500 words max.)

We live by a combination of judgments that are based on our own informal observations and confirmations, "wisdom" that has been passed down from others, and scientific proof that we may learn about on or own or that may have been taught to us.

Scientific proof is given an elevated status when the reputation of the scientific community that is offering the proof is well established. We are highly unlikely to doubt that second hand smoke causes smoking related diseases. We are also unlikely to doubt the information that doctors and nurses give us when they tell us what our contributions to our own medical care should be.

Scientific proof carries much more weight from the reputation of scientists in conducting repetitive and controlled experiments that offer proof to an acceptable level of certainty. Every aspect of the process, from information gathering to actual quantitative and qualitative analysis and testing is rigorously examined and is expected to meet the highest standards of objectivity and factual proof.

The average person has both a body of knowledge and a more flexible discipline of thought that incorporates time tested and ancient wisdom and information from a variety of new sources, including informal and impeachable sources, such as word of mouth. Common sense also comes from formal sources, such as fact-checked journalism, books, and the counsel of scientists, such as doctors and teachers. Common sense is informally tested again and again in the real world, with far less control, objectivity, and proof . There is far less cognitive discipline, documentation, testing, and rigorous verification of facts. But, in the world of common sense, it is far easier to adapt to new information, whether it is good information or not, and to act on that information using whatever wisdom and knowledge is available, under times of stress, threat, or basic survival.

When a legitimate scientific discovery is established and confirmed, there are salespeople who want to sell products that are based on claims that the scientific discovery can be used to lose weight fast, cure wrinkles, or ...
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