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Organization that campaign for Children, Young People and Families

Organization that campaign for Children, Young People and Families


Child abuse and neglect are very common forms of problem that society is still facing; rather its percentage is growing day by day. Several NGOs, governmental organization, private organization, and voluntary servicer are working to prevent young children, men and women from this tragedy accident (Cohen, 2005), (Wandersman, et al, 2003)

The Pathways mapping initiative is a similar kind of institute that is working to prevent children, young people and their families from Abuse and neglect problem. This organization was developed in (2000) with the support of The Annie E. Casey Foundation and is being funded by California department of Social science.

This organization functions by analyzing the past researches on this particular problem, and developing its own policies that it considers as the best to change the lives of suffering children and their families. The prime objective of the organization is to improve the conditions of the community by implementing on the coherent policies and procedures (Schorr, et al, 2007).

The working environment and procedure are not fixed, rather the organization emphasis on working according to the well-defined polices, Laws of the country, and with the support of communities, so that it can effectively decrease the effect of this broad problem. The procedure of Pathways is clearly visible from the below diagram (Schorr, et al, 2007).

Figure 1: Pathways working procedure (Schorr, et al, 2007).

Child abuse and neglect is such a major problem of the world, therefore it is not possible for any single organization to control its aspects, and rather it requires a mutual understanding among all the stakeholders of the country. However, by effectively implementing the described goals of Pathways, and by Mutual Corporation the country can reduce the pain of these problems (Schorr, et al, 2007), (Cohen, 2005).


Goals of the Pathways

The first goal of the organization is to ensure the safety, fostering, and engaging affected children to different activities.

To make the families of those children and young people strong by encouraging them, and by supporting them in time of their need

To improve the mental, economical and social health of the families of affected personal

To ensure that all the communities poses a caring attitude towards the family and young children

Effective implementation of these goals will prove sufficient help to communities in identifying the pain of the problem, will encourage them to take actions, to monitor and evaluate their progress.

Actions taken by Pathways

Effective using of Pathways described components is entirely dependent on the efforts that are undertaken to prevent child abuse and neglect. An individual or a community cannot accomplish this task at once, for that; they need to implement the components of the Pathways by collaborating them in this mission of betterment of the society (Schorr, et al, 2007)

Pathways has clearly described an action plan for each of its goals, this action plan of the organization is discussed below.

Nurturing, Safety and Engaging children

The organization has set guidelines for the effective implementation of ...
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