A family is “a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society.” A family is considered a social institution. This social institution is one that can be applied to all three sociological theories which are functionalism, conflict, and interactionism. In this research paper, we try to explore the concept of how sociological theories apply to family as an institution. Additionally, this study will seek to describe how views of the family members are affected by the sociological theories. Further, this research paper will examine how sociological theories affect the approach to social change within the family. Lastly, this research paper will outline how the sociological theories affect the views of society within the family. In order to adequately tackle all these issues, this study will be guided by a research thesis stated as; different sociological theories affect the institution of family.
Sociological Theories
Thesis Statement
The family unit is often seen as a societal institution which initiates the positive and negative process of social interactions between people.
Sociological theories are complex theoretical frameworks. Social scientists employ to explain and to analyze how different social action, social processes, social structures and work. They are sometimes called social theories, although the posterior limit generally refers to interdisciplinary theory. In seeking to understand society, sociologists use sociological theory and interdisciplinary social theories to organize social research.
Generally, sociological theories are complex theoretical frameworks used by sociologists in explaining and analyzing differently how social structures, actions, and processes work in a society. On this basis, there are different sociological theories used in explaining the working and processes of a family as an institution. In this case, this study will examine only three theories namely; functionalism, conflict, and interactions. Each of these three theories has effects and applications in a family and the entire society (Adams, 2001).
In some cases there is some need to associate a meaning to the phenomena described. Thus, biology was a set of data without apparent meaning before the advent of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Himself Auguste Comte foresaw this very important aspect, so she wrote about the need for a sociological theory: "If contemplating the phenomena not join certain principles, not only will be impossible to combine these isolated observations and therefore draw from them some benefit, but even that would be unable to hold them completely, and as often as the facts go unnoticed before our eyes.”
The realization of a fundamental theory is the greatest desire of sociologists, and hence must remain a source of inspiration as it allows combining all efforts to achieve them, even without reaching the final goal. Although from a practical point of view, opinions that is not necessary that theory. Robert Merton wrote: "I think, today, our main task is to develop special theories applicable to limited areas of data-theories For example, the dynamics of class, the conflicting pressures in the groups, the flow of ...