Social Work Manager

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Social Work Manager

Social Work Manager


The social work manager should be a confident and competent professional committed to working with and along side people who use social work services, their advocates and other professionals to help them achieve the best possible outcomes in their lives. The primary responsibility of the social work manager will remain the protection and promotion of the welfare and well being of children, vulnerable adults and communities.

Social work managers operate within the Codes of Practice for Social Services Workers and Employers and subscribe to the value base most recently set out in the International Federation of Social work Code of Ethics as "…based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people, and the rights that follow from this. Social work managers should uphold and defend each person's physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual integrity and well-being. They will work holistically taking account of the individual, their family and their community. They will build supportive relationships with people in order to help them effect change in their lives and work collaboratively with other professionals. They are committed to continuously developing their own professional skills, knowledge and expertise.


Social work manager should be skilled in coordinating complex networks of integrated service delivery particularly in those situations of uncertainty where relationships are complex and where there is a high degree of risk to the person using social work services and to the wider community. Social work will continue to be a demanding profession. Social work managers must possess the maturity and strength of character to confront challenging and complex situations; the emotional intelligence to establish relationships with people in these situations and the intellectual curiosity to acquire and use research evidence to achieve better outcomes for people who use services. Their employing organisations must recognise the importance of the social work manager's role and ensure they are properly equipped and supported to operate effectively.

Social work managers must uphold public trust and confidence in social services. They must be aware of society's values and operate in accordance with legal obligations. They must be able to balance need in the risk in the face of constant uncertainty and competing demands. Communities will always include people who are vulnerable and who pose challenges for themselves and others. Social work managers intervene in situations where not to do so could lead to a continuation or escalation of harm. They may work with people who have no wish to use social work services as well as people whose needs and demands challenge stretched resources. Social work managers have a role to play in promoting social justice and in identifying and addressing obstacles to social inclusion.

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