Social Work

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Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice


I like to serve the community; therefore, whenever I get time I always do some social work. Community work gives me the satisfaction, and this is the sole reason I like doing community work. In community work, I specifically enjoy performing community services for children. Community services for children helps in promoting the well being and safety of children. This community service takes care of children from their childhood to their teenage life. Children who are not given proper attention by their parents or who brought up by single parents, face difficulties in living their life, and taking crucial decisions.

Children who are not given proper attention become arrogant and get involved in illegal activities. This is where community service comes into play. It first grooms them and then makes them do some community service so that they become good human beings.

This case also refers to a similar situation. Jake, who is 17 years old, is the son of Carl from a previous relation. Carl is a 5 year old child of Carl and Tamara. Jake is facing severe learning difficulties and was involved in a couple of common assaults and one sexual assault. Kelvin, on the other hand, required initial assessment also had to be protected against the risk posed by his brother, Jake towards him (Dunn, 2000, pp. 12).

I got involved in this case when a police referral informed the community services of Jake's convictions; due to the age of both of these children, the community service had to provide them safety and ensured their welfare. As soon as the case was brought into my notice, I decided that Jake needed initial assessment, and it was the duty of the community service to provide care. I got involved in the case mainly because the convictions of Jake were not only harming him, but could have also harmed Kelvin (Rhoads, 1997, pp. 11). Jake needed immediate attention, something which lacked in his life due to the separation of his parents.

The steps taken during the case were primarily a result of its context. The case was thoroughly studied and then steps were taken. Carl separated from Tara, Jake's mother as well as Tamara, Kelvin's mother. This left a very negative impact on both Jake as well as Kelvin, because they could not get attention and were unable to spend time with both of their parents since a very young age. This caused serious problems and was the main reason why Jake got involved in illegal activities. He got involved to such an extent that such actions became his convictions. He also involved his half brother, Kelvin.

Both of the children were provided with assessments and treatments. Carl was of the opinion that Tamara should not be informed of Jake's convictions because she would stop contacting her own son (Alexander, 2000, pp. 37). Community service had a hard time taking a decision, but eventually they came up with the fact that Kelvin is Tamara's son, ...
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