Social Science And Race

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Social Science and Race

Social Science and Race



Race is a system that categorized the human into large groups or population from ethnicity, physical appearance, color, heritable phenotypic characteristics and geographic ancestry (Edward, 1981, pp.60).


Racism is defined as the exacerbation of racial sense or defense of an ethnic group, especially when living with another or others, and designates the anthropological doctrine or political ideology based on this sentiment (Solomos and Bulmer, pp.12).

Race prior to the social constructionist era is the equivalence of skin color to cultural dispositions and the type of civilizations by people of non-European descent. In short, before the advent of social constructionism, race signified “rigidity and permanence of position/status within a ranking order that is based on what is believed to be the unalterable reality of innate biological differences (Solomos and Bulmer, pp.13).


Racial Discrimination

Racial Discrimination is a system of inferiority and superiority. Inferior people has no respect in society superior people treat inferior with unfavorable behavior due to ethnicity, color, nationality, and religious belief(South, 2012).

“Nothing is black or white.” (Nelson Mandela) (, 2008)

According to this quotation, this was quoted by famous leader Nelson Mandela. He fought and struggle all life for race discrimination. Black is equal as white man. He has no complex of inferiority. Whole world respect him including white man because he is special man.

Scientific Racism

Scientific racism is the expression used to denote a particular historical form of organized racism, founded in the nineteenth century in Europe and the Americas, which was established in the university between the natural and social sciences of the time, start by taking biology, from anthropology, from genetics, from medicine, from criminology and sociology, referring to the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin and positivism(Solomos and Bulmer, pp.15).Now deemed unfounded premise of this theory pseudoscientific was to believe that humans were made up of different races, each with a different degree of evolution than the other, and that the methods of classification of zoology could be used to investigate the characteristics of the same. This classification is admitted rankings assumed that some "races" as superior to developmental level and intellectual than the other. In particular, it believed to document that the so-called "white race" (and within the white race of a particular race, the Aryan race) was the maximum level reached a natural evolution of the human species. By supporting the existence of "superior races" these theories gave way to the birth of ' eugenics (eu = good; ilk = descent), other pseudoscience aimed at preserving the genetic purity of the people "white", supporting a political campaign against interracial marriages and relationships that could lead to the birth of children "racially impure" and degenerate(, 1990).. The classification of so-called "races" was long used for political reasons, and debated among scientists, who failed to achieve universally shared. Is majority, from 1870 to1936 it claimed the superiority of a supposed "Nordic race" or Germanic, on the other. Used during the nineteenth century in support of colonialism and the right to slavery, the most visible political outcome ...
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