Social network analysis examines the social structure by applying the Theory of Graphs and identifying the entities as "nodes" or "vertices" and relationships as "links" or "edges". The structure of the graph resulting is often very complex.
However, it is a fact that one of the biggest disablers of this time period is technology. People at work, at school, and even people in places like churches get distracted by the many different forms of technology. The largest form of technology distracting people today would be social networks. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and the newly added Pinterest and instaGram are swiftly growing and taking over today's generation. With photos and status updates about your daily thoughts and actions, these social networks are a way for people to keep up with their friends, family, and even favorite celebrities on a daily basis (Leigh, 2011).
Thesis Statement
While social networking sites, such as Facebook, can provide a place for positive interactions, unfortunately they have created a place for people to be not only distracted from more important tasks but also to cause personal and public harm to others.
Discussion and Analysis
Social media and social networking sites are taking the Internet by storm. Although social networks are addicting and entertaining they ultimately are one of the biggest distractions we have today. Social networks somewhat rule the world in a media aspect. Saying all this we should really strive to cut back on our use of all social networks, evening if it is tempting or event if we can get the top news on there. Stop and pay attention to the things you are supposed to be doing because the social networks will always be there.
Benefits of Social Networks
The positive effects of social networks found in large numbers. Hundreds of people have known the love of her life through them. Thousands have found help in support groups. Artists who were unknown have been released through the networks and the Internet.
Using or not social media, that's the dilemma. Some people cannot imagine telling their experiences through the computer; prefer to enjoy a cup of coffee and even a drink, talking in front of people. However, life is changing and with it must be adaptable. As in all things, should only be done in a responsible manner (Goldie, 2007).
Article review: Social Networks Distract At Work
According to the article written by Chris Nerney, he emphases how social networking is distracting people and affecting their work. He conducted a survey that nearly 60% of work interruptions now involve either using tools like email, social networks, text messaging and IM, or switching windows among disparate standalone tools and applications. In fact, 45% of employees work only 15 minutes or less without getting interrupted, and 53% waste at least one hour a day due to all types of distractions."
His observation shows that it is true as the use of twitter and Facebook are hurting employees to work with full ...