Social Media: Is It An Appropriate Communication Tool For Pharmaceutical Industries social Media: Is It An Appropriate Communication Tool For Pharmaceutical Industries

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Social Media: Is It an Appropriate Communication Tool for Pharmaceutical Industries

Social Media: Is It an Appropriate Communication Tool for Pharmaceutical Industries


Dissertation submitted to University of Leicester in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration


This research would have not been completed without the support of my friends and family, who guided me and had belief in me, in order to complete it in due time.

Dr. Matthew Higgins,

He was able to provide me with guidance on appropriate research title and topic. He has been prompt in his replies to my never ending queries on how to start my research and which way to move forward.

My Husband & Kids,

Thanks to my loving husband who has been patient and understanding, he and my loving children were able to put my time dedicated to this research, away from my obligations as wife, mum and working women. I have gone through a lot of fluctuating emotions, which hindered me from completing this research, yet I have succeeded in completing it on time.

My Parents,

My mom & dad were always voice in my head asking me to complete my work and supported me in all different ways.

Finally, a thank you note to people who contributed in my work indirectly, example researchers whose research papers I have referred to, and since my work would have not materialized without them.


I declare that the content presented in this thesis/dissertation is, in my understanding and opinion, original and has not been presented for scholarly assessment in the past, either completely or partly, for an academic degree at this educational institution or elsewhere. I would also like to admit that I have studied and understood the principles, prerequisites, processes and guidelines of the University regarding the higher academic degree research award and to my dissertation. I would also like to declare that I have abided by the University's principles, prerequisites, processes and guidelines.




Internet Social Media is now the newest approach and communication channel used to reach customers and is embraced by many industries in addition to Pharmaceutical companies. Now, it is the era of digital marketing, allowing open dialogue with customers, and if utilized appropriately it can make a company market leaders in their sector, and gain market share and growth, and competitive advantage. This is all gained, with the notion that social media is free and cheap marketing tool. However there are some basic issues that might be overseen or overcome by Pharmaceutical companies, which they should be wary of as to excel and grow successfully , and avid turning of events and instead of having a cheap marketing tool, but can create media issues with hefty penalties.

Setting up a social media platform e.g. Facebook, is not the final chapter for Pharmaceutical companies, since they must ensure to whom i.e. audience, these messages or campaigns are targeted to. They must be always alert and active on their social media account, attentive to any comments posted or concerns raised by ...
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