Social Media & Sales

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A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process

A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process


The article 'A Review of Social Media and Implications for the Sales Process' aims to discuss the role of social media and networking sites in enhancing the sales process of a business. The authors of this article are James “Mick” Andzulis, Nikolaos G. Panagopoulos, and Adam Rapp. They have evaluated the importance and role of social media in developing and promoting the sales processes of businesses in current era. The technological paradigm has shifted the procedures and processes of marketing, advertising and sales force of organizations and businesses. The increase in the usage of internet by consumers has opened several doors of opportunities for the sales force. The authors have presented the advent of social media and the different stages of sales and marketing that takes place through social media. The article also evaluates the influence of social media on individual steps of sales process (Andzulis et al., 2012).


Technology has always influenced the sales processes of businesses. The new concept in the sales discipline has risen in the current era. Businesses are rapidly adopting the social media services for their marketing campaigns, advertising and increasing their sales. The main focus of businesses is to increase the sales to cross the targeted levels of sales. Social media is a tool that has helped the businesses in achieving this goal. The consumers and general members of society has realized the fact that social media is not only for socializing and expanding the network just for fun but it can do wonders if utilized properly. Social media affects almost all the functional departments of an organization but the sales area is the one that has shown dramatic changes due to ...
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