The social gospel is an organic movement's intellectual and Protestant Christian who was very prominent in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Christianity and the Social Crisis
levels of sin
Prayers of the Social Awakening
The Brotherhood of the Kingdom
Christianity is in its nature revolutionary
Kingdom of God
Second Coming could not happen until humankind rid itself of social evils
The sight of Rauschenbusch's Christianity was his goal was to keep a kingdom of God, not by a fire and brimstone preaching model.
Rauschenbusch did not look at Jesus' death as substitution atonement but to act in his words, he died to substitute love for selfishness as the basis of human society. He enlightened that the kingdom of God is not a paradise for personal problems, but to change life on Earth, in Heaven's harmony.
The "social gospel movement" the rise of the three main reasons
1. Social problems caused by psychological worries to the people miserable
2. In the urban expansion in most Protestants are terrified of the conflict seems to be the industry.
3. The growing national wealth concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, which appeared in richer countries, poorer workers are not normal social phenomenon.
My decision for selecting Walter Rauschenbusch and the Social Gospel Movement was stemmed from previous readings of Rauschenbusch and how his pioneering vision led the way for the Social Gospel in the church. My heart and passion for inner-city/urban ministry within my own denomination (United Methodist) led me to this selection.
Batten, Samuel Zane. The Social Task of Christianity: A Summons to the New Crusade. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1911.
Benjamin G. Rader, "Richard T. Ely: Lay Spokesman for the Social Gospel." Journal of American History. 53:1 (June 1966). in JSTOR
Benjamin L. Hartley. “Evangelicals at a Crossroads: Revivalism and Social Reform in Boston” ...