Social Ecology Model

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Social Ecology Model

Social Ecology Model


Today's organizations are looking to the New Science and quantum thinking which can change our structures and transform our thought patterns. Quantum thinking is vital to creative thinking and leadership, and the genuine transformation needed in organizations. The purpose of the information below is to clarify the nature of the four paradigms discussed in class. In this essay the researcher will be talking about the differences between the managers in the mechanical age with managers in the complex and turbulent world. The researchers will also talking about how the paradigms assist managers to think from the mechanical point of view to the appreciation of organizational complexity and transformation. The findings from this study can be made available to implement and assist in understanding control at various levels of an organization. An understanding of the relationship between wanted and expressed control and resistance to change could offer a step toward the exploration of ways that could assist managers to understand and adapt to the accelerated paces. The study has revealed a need to encourage continual individual and collective learning as an integral component in the design of self-renewing organizational climates that honor and make use of the total individual in successful organizations today and into the next century.

Mechanical Age


According to Homay King mechanical age can be defines as required to characterize this age of ours by any single epithet, we should be tempted to call it, not an Heroical, Devotional, Philosophical, or Moral Age, but, above all others, the Mechanical Age. Carlyle said that it is the Age of Machinery, in every outward and inward sense of that word; the age which, with its whole undivided might, forwards, teaches and practices the great art of adapting means to ends. Nothing is now done directly, or by hand; all is by rule and calculated contrivance. For the simplest operation, some helps and accompaniments, some cunning abbreviating process is in readiness. Our old modes of exertion are all discredited, and thrown aside. On every hand, the living artisan is driven from his workshop, to make room for a speedier, inanimate one. There are Four Challenges to Organizations in the coming prospering years. They are Globalization, Technological change, Diversity and Ethics.

Types of Mechanical Age


Globalization affects all of us. For this reason, it is essential to know whether globalization is beneficial. The book Taking Sides by John T. Rourke, gives a precise definition of globalization, "Globalization is an approach associated with such terms as economic internationalism which economic liberals contend the best way to create global prosperity by freeing domestic and international economic interchange from political restrictions" (173). But here the researcher will be looking globalization from the manager's point of view. Globalization brings a connection throughout the globe and applies to the organizational system.

Globalization is a type of Mechanical work. In the Mechanical Age globalization There are three main aspects of globalization as it affects the organization that the researcher would like to treat: 1) production; 2) profit; and ...
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