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Social And Economic Effects Of The Confederate Flag

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Social and Economic Effects of the Confederate Flag

Thesis Statement

The state of South Carolina has a right to protect its heritage and history, in the several Southern states flew the Confederate battle flag along with the U.S. and state flags over their state houses. While other states have removed these flags only recently, South Carolina remains committed to its heritage.


In the recent years there has been a widespread controversy about South Carolina and the Confederate Flag. The issue is about the Confederate Flag flying in state capital of South Carolina and there is great controversy whether the Flag should be removed from flying over the statehouse. I believe that the Confederate Flag symbolizes the culture, heritage and bravery of the South, it symbolizes the true spirit of America and the state has every right to use it. Being a member of "The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) a 107-years old organization, I believe that the Confederate Flag represents Southern tradition and heritage and has nothing to do with racism and slavery (George Rogers and James 12-18).


As South Carolina's display of the Confederate Flag evolves from a debate into a campaign issue, it is at least interesting to note that the state's official flag contains no elements of the Confederate Flag while the official flags of four other states do. The crescent moon was South Carolina's symbol when it was a British Colony. The tree is a Palmetto and signifies a fort built of Palmetto logs on Sullivan's Island in Charleston Harbour during the American Revolution (Larson 22). While this flag (the "Navy Jack") is generally recognized as the official flag of the Confederacy, there were a number of Confederate Flags used during the Civil War. Many Southern regiments and companies had their own unique flags. The Official Flags of the Confederacy web sites shows several flags in order and the Museum of the Confederacy site offers this Confederate Flag Collection (Hutson 23-94).

I believe that there is a widespread misconception about the Flag and what it symbolizes. The Flag is not only the symbol of heritage and Southern tradition but it also a sign of sacrifice that many southerners gave and depicts their bravery. After the Civil War most of the states in the South used the flags along with the U.S. flag or incorporated it into their state flag till the 1980s and most part of the 90s and there was no issue or controversy in all those years. It is unfortunate that the real idea behind the confederacy and the southern heritage has been associated quite wrongly with racism (Wallace 52-94). I think that these misrepresentations should be cleared and think that the battle to restore people's interest in their Confederate history is worth fighting for.

Interest groups concerned with flying the Confederate flag were found in varying forms in South Carolina. The relevant groups ranged from the Chamber of Commerce to the NAACP, the Baptist Convention, and the Progressive Network. These influential groups sought to build up their memberships, lobby the statehouse in ...
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