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Social Problems

[Institute's Name]Social Problems


The topic of discussion of this paper can best be described by describing the world 'society' and its importance in the life of a person. A person cannot thrive in this world alone. Since the beginning of time, man has sought comfort and shelter in groups of people similar to himself. That is how societies were formed. Even today, when we look at a society, we see that the people within that society have the same characteristics and traits. Similarities of people is the main factor that leads to the formation of a society, keeps in cohesive and at the same time, much different from other societies of the world. However, it is not necessary that the dynamics of one society would prevail in another society. It is possible that the dynamics of one society are not applicable to another. It is such differences that lead to the formation of 'social problems', the topic that shall be discussed in this paper.

Question 1: How can we define Social Problem?

Commonly known as social issues, the term 'Social Problem' relates to all those personal problems that relate to people's lives. Some common example of social problems are gay rights, illegal immigration, abortion, capital punishment, drug and alcohol laws, tobacco use, gambling, mutual consent and age limit for certain activities. Such problems have impact on the entire society and are usually grey in color. When we say grey in color, it means that they are more towards shades of grey rather than completely black or white. Such problems cannot be addressed legally using laws of countries because, they are usually situation specific and cannot be easily defined using generic laws or even terminologies. Such issues have to be handled depending on specific situations or scenarios.

The aspects of social problems indicate towards certain conditions, situations, notions or even beliefs that are reprehensible or undesirable for a specific chunk of population, in a given society. Before getting into the deeper assimilation of the basic connotations that are attributed to the concept of social problem; it is highly imperative that the naive mind is rendered core comprehension of the most propelled and accepted definition of social issues and the notions associated with it. Bearing in mind the previously stated objective, social problems, in the light of social sciences, can be defined as the issues that have a direct or rather indirect impact on a person or the inhabitants of the community as a whole. Now, the previously mentioned statement, which articulated certain situations or conditions being undesirable to a chunk of population in a society, further breaks this phenomenon into two aspects; first, the happenings or activities that are generally believed to be reprehensible such as murders, or death caused by traffic accidents; however, on the other hand an activity taking place in the society, which is abhorred by one chunk of the population, but is acceptable to the other; such as playing loud music in the streets (acceptable by teenagers, but not by ...
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