Smart Grid

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Smart Grid

Smart Grid


Smart grid refers to new type of grid system which uses computer technology to optimize production and distribution of electricity in order to better balance supply and demand between producers and consumers. The term smart grid is often associated with the concept of smart meters capable of providing detailed billing slots which allow consumers to not only select the best rates from the different utilities, but also discern between the hours of consumption, which would allow better use of the network. This system would also allow more precise mapping consumption and better anticipate future needs at the local level. The emergence of renewable energies in the energy landscape has changed significantly the energy flows in the grid, now users not only consume but also produce electricity through the same network. Therefore, the energy flux is now bidirectional.


The smart grid is one of the names of grid electricity " smart "technology that uses computer to optimize the production, distribution, consumption and better relate supply and demand between producers and consumers of electricity. The contribution of technology computer should save energy, network security and reduce costs. It is also a response to the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas emissions in the fight against climate change. It is (if combined with a distributed system consists of many micro) one of the five pillars of the "Third Industrial Revolution" proposed and promoted, by Jeremy Rifkin.

The phrase Smart grid is inspired by another phrase “power grid” indicating the distribution of electricity. Thus, the word smart focuses on "intelligence" provided by the computer's network distribution. The SLM proposes the translation "network of smart electricity distribution". Some use simply "smart grid". Other terms used to explain the same are smart electric grid, smart power grid, smart grid, IntelliGrid, future grid or SuperSmart Grid.

The implementation of the electricity distribution network, based on existence of sensors connected to a computer network and a powerful analysis system able to rely on short, medium and long term data, should allow a better fit between production and consumption of electricity, with the following advantages:

Optimize the supply of electricity during peak consumption by smoothing the load curve, thereby reducing the production of electricity from fossil fuels.

Avoidance of failure by reducing the overloading of lines.

Reduce line losses.

Network integration, easier for a bunch of sources of clean energy, safe and complementary, but often irregular and diffuse such as domestic wind turbines, turbines, wind farms, solar home, solar, small hydro, tidal sources, etc.

Transfer facilities and optimized electricity over large distances.

Although some technologies are stamped smart grid, the term refers to a more homogeneous set of technologies to a specific item.

The emergence of smart grids is accentuated by the evolution of logical laws introduced by the opening of the electricity supply market to competition, and the previous contributions come mainly from the distribution system operator, but other inputs intelligent networks directly affect end users in relation to their energy supplier:

encourage consumers to eat more and thus optimize their bill, particularly through tariff offers possible ...
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