Sleepwalking Into Segregation

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SLEEPWALKING INTO SEGREGATION Sleepwalking into Segregation

Sleepwalking into Segregation


'Sleepwalking into Segregation' refers to the inequalities present in our society. Even in a prosperous society unequal position of men is an important phenomenon. Of course, these differences no longer rely on direct violence and legislation that supported the system of privileges in the caste or class society. Nevertheless, in addition to more serious divisions on the size of property and income, prestige and power, our society is characterized by many rank-difference - so thin and at the same time so deeply rooted that the statements about the disappearance of all forms of inequality due to equalization process can be perceived, but at least, skeptical (Dworkin, 2000, 44-55).

By making the ethics of identity, those rules that preserve the most moral aspects of our social existence, the primary concern of race scholarship, current engagements with the race problem wrongly substitute the problems of existential identification for the material conditions that enforce cultural subjugation and actual racist oppression. We know that racism exists because there are races that emerge within our historical moment as victims of this oppression; we can see historical groups of people assigned to inferior categories and having their humanity determined on the basis of these constraints.


Around the world, discrimination and gender bias are obstacles to the full development and full participation of women as compared to men. The women do not enjoy the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Their basic rights are denied and the conditions for sustainable human development are not fulfilled. It is vital for the future, that women assume responsibilities within their family, their community and, increasingly, on their workplace and in society. Very often, women are abused or treated unfairly by society and have little opportunity, or lack of political voice, to change the situation. On the other hand, men often feel societal pressure to be providers of family income and have little opportunity to help educate children. They may lose confidence in themselves and their self-esteem if they are unemployed (Garcia, 2001, 27-42).

Feminism is a set of ideas political, philosophical and social seeking to promote the rights of women and their interests in civil society. It is embodied in organizations whose goals are to abolish the social, political, legal, economic and cultural factors of which women are victims. In every society, there have been issues about prejudice and discrimination from times to times. In ancient times, there were more serious cases concerning discrimination against certain type of people due to the lack of development and educational knowledge. In our past, most of the countries have two different type of class of people, the riches and the slaves. The poor people or the low class people were denied to access to most of the chances and rights that the high class persons have. In different places, we can find different forms of discrimination.

Social inequality is a form of social differentiation in which some individuals, social groups, strata, classes are at different stages of vertical ...
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