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Social status defined by law and custom as involuntary human servitude is absolute. A slave is characterized by their labor or services obtained through force and the individual are regarded as the property of its owner, who offers him his will (Dawson, Pp.52).

History of Slavery

Long ago the slave is legally defined as a commodity that the owner could sell, purchase, gift or exchange for a debt; without the slave could do nothing to stop the law does not let him. Most of the time there were racial differences between slave trader and slave, because slavery is usually based on a strong racial discrimination, according to which race it belongs to the owner is considered superior to that of the slave. It is very unusual for slaves to be members of the same race as the owner, but one of the few exceptions occurred in Russia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (Du Bois, Pp.75).

Slavery is done since prehistoric times, although their total acceptance probably occurred when agricultural advances made possible organized societies that required slaves to certain jobs. To get it conquered other peoples, are subjected and forced into slavery, some of them were sold sold themselves or their family members to pay outstanding debts, (which in some countries is still done by prostitution) . Slavery was at one time also the punishment for those committing a crime. The only way by which they could protest was by the revolutions of the slaves of which there were many (and still not getting anything).

Slavery in antiquity

Slavery was an accepted situation and sometimes essential to the economy and society of ancient civilizations. In ancient Mesopotamia, India and China were used in the household slaves, trade, construction and agriculture. Even among the Aztecs, practitioners from different trades bought slaves to offer sacrifice to their patron god. Some thought that slavery is the logical destination of the prisoners of war. In ancient Greece, slaves were treated with consideration. But for example in Sparta were treated with great severity, mainly because its population was greater than that of their rulers (Allen,Pp. 23).

Typically, slaves were used as domestic servants in urban trades and fields in the marine and transportation. Domestic slavery, typically, was less hard, because their treatment was usually very familiar. In Roman slavery, the Romans had more rights over their slaves, including the life and death. Slavery in Rome was very necessary for the economy especially during the Empire (Jaffa, Pp. 312).

The upper class Romans, who owned large mansions, had plenty of slaves to keep their homes and fields. The conquests of the empire left the Roman army enough so that had to increase the number of foreign slaves to conduct the field work so they can get into the army to the free population. The main source of slaves was tens of thousands of war prisoners were brought to Rome as slaves, but all those person who committed a serious crime directly left to be free and ...
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