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Slavery is the status of a person who, by birth, debts, court order or by right of conquest has no civil rights and becomes the property of another person, who may lose or change it, use it in the activity it deems appropriate and in some cases even dispose of his life. Traditionally, there are two main types of slavery, domestic violence, in which slaves or servants, perform auxiliary tasks at home, and 'productive' own slave of economic systems, which play the toughest jobs in the sector primary, as the cultivation of land or mining. To recover the freedom envisaged two main forms: the manumission by the owner or the payment of a bailout, which could make the same slave, if he could gather sufficient. According to different claims, slavery has been abolished in the modern world, yet, there are claims that it has not yet been abolished and its existence in the modern world is more evident than in the past (Brace, Laura, p. 36).

Thesis Statement

The laws developed by different countries around the world against slavery have not been able to completely abolish it from the modern world and it is more evident in the modern time than in the past.

Describe one side of the argument people might have about this event

Slavery in antiquity and in the middle Ages

The institution of slavery, whose origin is very old, which is already present the first written source that is preserved. Egyptian Mesopotamian civilizations knew her, and even the classical period of Greece, the cradle of democracy, practiced slavery. The prosperity of the Athens of Pericles was based, in trade, many of whose products were manufactured by slaves in agriculture and mining of silver, which also did well use slave labor. The Republican and Imperial Rome knew an economic system - "production mode" in Marxist terminology-slavery, thanks to an abundant labor from the victorious wars of conquest. These domestic servants living conditions were less harsh than others. Moreover, there were a large, number of slaves with expertise, who played various roles and enjoyed some consideration: goldsmiths, doctors, secretaries, maestros, etc. Special mention of the gladiators, usually prisoners of war that failed to integrate into the production system, some converted into true professionals, won their freedom thanks to his exploits in the circus. In the first century, the gladiator Spartacus led a slave revolt that shook to Rome itself, the rebels were finally defeated by the consul Marcus Licinius Crassus and executed most of the survivors. Over time, the Roman slavery was declining by the action of several factors (Brace, Laura, p. 36). On the one hand, the gains to reduce the contributions of new contingents of slaves, subjected to harsh living conditions suffered high mortality rates, thus, their number was greatly reduced. On the other hand, the influence of ideology as' the stoicism or Christianity introduced a moral critique of the fact that a man may belong to another, like an object. In addition, the shortage of rural labor to move from the ...
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