The main purpose of this paper is to make discussion on the issue that skeletal muscle undergoes repair and regeneration throughout normal life. The paper makes discussion on this phenomenon, and makes a review on the whole process. The main focus of this paper is on the role of satellite cells.
Skeletal muscle has a composition of numerous fibres with diameters ranging between 10 and 80 microns (Klement, 2004). In most muscles, the fibres extend along their entire length, except 2% that have innervated by a single nerve ending located in the centre.
These fibres, in turn, have composed of smaller units discussed below:
1.The Sarcolemma: The cell membrane of the muscle fibre. At the end of the muscle fibre, the surface layer of the sarcolemma fuses with tendon fibre and tendon fibres, in turn, got united into bundles that form the muscle tendons, which attach to the bones.
2.Myofibrils and myosin and actin filaments: Each muscle fibre contains hundreds to thousands of myofibrils. Each of these myofibrils had composed of about 1500 and 3000 myosin filaments of actin, protein polymers that are responsible for muscle contraction.
3.The sarcoplasm: The myofibrils have suspended within the muscle fibres in a matrix called sarcoplasm, formed by the normal intracellular components. The liquid contains sarcoplasm large amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosphate, enzymes also by a large number of mitochondria, needed for the contraction of myofibrils (Cossu, 2005).
4.The sarcoplasmic reticulum: The sarcoplasm is also an extensive endoplasmic reticulum in the muscle fibers is famous as sarcoplasmic reticulum. This lattice has a special organization of great importance in controlling muscle contraction.
Skeletal muscle has the ability to regenerate partly from the so-called satellite cells. This correspond to uninucleadas cells spindles that lie within the basal lamina that surrounds each fiber. It has considerations to correspond to ...